The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 27 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.

The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 27 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.
  Watts’s New Year’s Gift, 85. 
  Zoology of the Northern Parts of British America, 354. 
“Boot, to,” the phrase, 31. 
Botany, Curiosities of, 25. 
Bouts Rimes, Origin of, 191. 
Box Wood, uses of, 15. 
Brahmin Bull, the, 385. 
Brazil, a day in, 150. 
Brereton, the late Colonel, 105. 
Brighton in 1743, 88—­124. 
British Artists Society,
  Exhibition of, 198
  Institution, Visit to, 164
  Museum, the, 152
  Warriors, 358. 
Bull and Bear-baiting Theatres, 193. 
Bullock, Mr., in America, 236. 
  Science of, 165
  Place in Tongatabu, 184. 
Burke, Writings of, 357. 
Burns, Birthday of, 73. 
Bushy, owners of, 432.

Calves-head Roll, 416. 
Camoens, fate of, 288. 
Cambridge Freshman, 43. 
Campagna Felice, 383. 
Cape Town, Population of, 348. 
Capillary Attraction, 303. 
Caps, Laws respecting, 303. 
Cardinal Spider, the, 266. 
Caroline, Queen, death of, 278. 
Catching Tigers, 160. 
Catholic Religion, dramatic character of the, 189. 
Cats, Superstitions relative to, 170. 
Caviare to the Multitude, 271. 
Cedar Wood, scent of, 342. 
Chalk, none in America, 182. 
Chancery Suit, to decide, 252. 
Chapel at Hampton Wick, 376. 
Char, habits of, 425. 
  II. at Epsom, 108
  V., Palace of, in the Alhambra, 337. 
Cheating in the Law, 252. 
  Heroines, 416
  Pensioners, Longevity of, 416. 
Chemistry, Familiar Elements of, 152. 
Child in Prayer, Lines to a, 423. 
  Lines on, 8
  Impromptu on, 189. 
Chimney-piece, curious, at Exeter, 417. 
  Picture of, 221
  Varieties of, 324. 
Chinese Proverbs, &c., 16. 
Chit Chat of the Day, 394. 
  Vapour Bath in, 6—­54
  Notes on, 80—­128. 
Christ, Portrait of, 87—­140. 
  Health in, 236
  Letter from, 323. 
Cincinnatus, Modern, 400. 
  Death explained, 270
  War, Lines on, 351. 
Claret, Properties of, 192. 
Clavering’s Autobiography, 420. 
Cleopatra’s Needles, 291. 
Coasting Scrap, 116. 
Cock of the Arctic Plains, 355. 
Cockney Horsemen, Hints to, 77. 
  as made in the East, 173
  Shops in London, 222. 
Coffin-maker, the, by the Hon. Mrs. Norton, 203. 
Coin of Edward III., 275. 
Colchester, Lord, 422. 
Colosseum, Swiss Cottage at the, 258. 
Colton, the late Mr., 403. 
Comets, concussion of, with the Earth, 71. 
Confessions of Serventius, 44—­59. 
  at Dove Dale, 432
  Rockets, 239. 
Cornwall, Scene on the coast of, 313. 
Cornwallis, Lord, Mausoleum of, in India, 423. 
Count, a noble, 48. 
Courage, Cool, 292. 
Coventry Charity, 334. 
Counterfeit Kings, 176. 
Cowley, the poet, 105. 
Cows in America, 236. 
Crime, Progress of, 379. 
Crocodiles on the Mississippi, 235. 

Project Gutenberg
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.