[Footnote 1: This picture would seem to be lost.]
[Footnote 2: This picture is now in the Brera at Milan, No. 452.]
[Footnote 3: This picture would seem to be lost. Milanesi says it was taken to Milan. Vas. v. 254, n. 2.]
[Footnote 4: There is a Sebastian by this master in the Duomo at Forli; the S. Giovanni panel seems to be lost.]
[Footnote 5: This is now in the Accademia of Ravenna, No. 6.]
[Footnote 6: This would seem to have disappeared; but cf. Brera, 455.]
[Footnote 7: The first of these remains in S. Domenico, the other is, I think, now in the Accademia, No. 7.]
[Footnote 8: This picture, too, seems to be lost.]
[Footnote 9: Vasari (trs. Foster), vol. III. pp 382-384.]
In another place, Vasari tells us that the pupil who copied Giovanni Bellini most closely and did him most honour was “Rondinello of Ravenna, of whose aid the master availed himself much in all his works.... Rondinello painted his best work for the church of S. Giovanni Battista in Ravenna. The church belongs to the Carmelite Friars and in the painting, besides a figure of Our Lady, Rondinello depicted that of S. Alberto, a brother of their order;[10] the head of the saint is extremely beautiful, and the whole work very highly commended."[11]
[Footnote 10: Now in the Accademia, unnumbered; it represents the Madonna between S. Alberto and S. Sebastian.]
[Footnote 11: Vasari (trs. Foster), vol. II. pp. 171-172.]