White Auxiliary (Federal): Dole’s recommendation regarding, 99; Stanton’s instructions regarding, 100; not heard from, 102; orders for, 109 and footnote; Indians ask for evidence of existence, 118; composition, 118; comparison with Indians, 123 and footnote; brigaded with Indian Home Guards, 125; retrograde movement, 143, 203; Blunt orders Salomon to send to support of Indian Brigade, 192-193, 203
White Chief: 68, footnote
White Cloud: 77, footnote
White Hair: 207, footnote, 238, footnote;
chief of Osages, 240, footnote
Whitney, H.C: 50, footnote, 52, footnote,
Wichita Agency: 64, footnote; tragedy, 183-184; Belmont, temporary, 274, footnote
Wichita Mountains: 153
Wigfall, Louis T: 264, footnote, 277, footnote
Wilder, A. Carter: 230, footnote, 322, footnote
Wilder, D.W: 58, footnote, 305, footnote
Willamette River: 232
Williams, James M: 284, 285
Williams, the: 327
Williamson, George: 327
Wilson, Hill P: work cited, 226, footnote
Wilson’s Creek (Mo.): battle of, 34, footnote, 49
Wolcott, Edward: 83, footnote
Wolf Creek (Ark.): 135, 136, 145, 164
Wood, W.D: 218, footnote
Woodburn, James Albert: work cited, 57, footnote,
Woodruff’s Battery: 147, 150, 154
Wright, Marcus J: work cited, 19, footnote,
Wyandot City (Kans.): 204, footnote
Wyandots: robbed by secessionist Indians, 206 and footnote; escape into Kansas, 206; want to render military service, 206, footnote; Dole’s abortive treaty with, 236-237, footnote