The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 459 pages of information about The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War.

The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 459 pages of information about The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War.

St. Francis River:  20

St. Joe (St. Joseph):  74, footnote, 116, 230

St Louis Republican:  75, footnote

Salomon, Frederick:  colonel of Ninth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, 118; in command at Fort Scott, 118; left in command at Baxter Springs by Weer, 121; in charge of First Brigade, First Indian Expedition, 125; instructions to, with respect to Indian policy of U.S. government, 134; deplorable equipment of troops, 138; arrests Weer, 139; gives reasons arrest, 140-142; retrograde movement of, 142, 143, 147, 203; establishes himself at Camp Quapaw, 146; ordered by Blunt to send troops to support of Indian Brigade, 192-193

Salt Plains:  152, 153

Sam Checote:  62, footnote

Santa Fe Trail:  to intercept trains on, 129, footnote, 267, footnote; Creek regiment to advance toward, 152

Scales, J.A:  268, footnote, 277, footnote

Schaumburg, W.C:  305, footnote

Schoenmaker, John:  241, footnote

Schofield, John M:  106, footnote, 119, footnote, 196, 248, 249 and footnote, 260, 261, 293, 304 and footnote

Schurz, Carl:  41 and footnote, 42, footnote

Scott, S.S:  acting commissioner of Indian affairs, 172, footnote; remarks of, 177, footnote; to investigate conditions in Indian Territory, 181; hurries to Leased District, 184; asks Governor Colbert to harbor fugitive Tonkawas, 184, footnote; sets out upon tour of inspection, 299; made full commissioner, 299, footnote; reports to Holmes concerning neglect of Indian Territory, 300; reports to Seddon prospects for three Indian brigades, 329

Scott, T.M:  316, footnote

Scott, W.H:  287, footnote

Scott, Winfield S:  48, 56, 69, footnote

Scott County (Ark.):  20

Scullyville (Okla.):  155, 325, and footnote

Second Brigade, First Indian Expedition:  put under Judson, 125

Second Choctaw Regiment:  312, footnote

Second Indian Brigade:  327

Second Indian Expedition:  Carruth and Martin act in anticipation of, 133, footnote; Blunt making plans for, 196 and footnote, 208, footnote; Blunt discovers that Indians stipulate care of families during absence, 215

Second Indiana Battery:  118, 125

Second Ohio Cavalry:  118, 119, footnote, 125-126

Second Regiment Cherokee Mounted Rifles:  commanded by Stand Watie, 25; joins Pike at Cincinnati, 28; takes position to observe enemy, 32; guiltless of atrocities committed at Pea Ridge, 32; makes way to Camp Stephens, 35; detail sent with ammunition to main army, 35; scouting along northern line of Cherokee country, 112; desertions from, 145

Second Regiment Indian Home Guards:  miscellaneous in composition, 114 and footnote; men not yet mustered in, 121; fills up after defeat of Confederates at Locust Grove, 132; Corwin takes

Project Gutenberg
The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.