The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 459 pages of information about The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War.

The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 459 pages of information about The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War.

Roberts, S.A:  308, footnote, 320, footnote

Robertson, W.S:  225 and footnote

Robinson, Charles:  work cited in footnotes on pages 15, 70, 97, 98, 226; appointment of Mitchell, 46, footnote; opposed to Lane’s plans for revenge, 55; approves of principle underlying Fremont’s proclamation, 56-57; opposed to enlistment of Indians, 57; seeks aid of Prince, 58; responsible for Stanton’s contesting of Lane’s seat, 59, footnote; Lane has no intention of obliging, 71, footnote; commissions for First Indian Expedition pouring in, 123, footnote; calls for volunteers against guerrillas, 205, footnote; relations with Stevens, 226, footnote

Robinson, William:  62, footnote

Rocky Creek (Clear Creek):  184, footnote

Rolla (Mo.):  13, 26

Roman, Alfred:  work cited, 14, footnote, 34, footnote

Roman Catholic Mission:  87, footnote, 121, 241, footnote

Rosengarten, Joseph George:  work cited, 118, footnote

Ross, John:  attitude of faction of, towards proposed Confederate military occupation of Indian Territory, 15; communicates with Pike on movements of Cherokee troops, 28, footnote; opposed to secession, 63, footnote; reported to have host ready to do service for U.S., 66, footnote; loyal to U.S., 74, footnote; communication from Weer, 134 and footnote, 135; reply to Weer, 135-136; submits documents justifying his own and tribal actions, 136; receives peremptory order from Cooper, 137; arrested by Greeno, 137; suspected of collusion with captor, 137-138, 192; addresses himself to Hindman against Pike, 160; on mission to Washington, 192 and footnote; formally deposed by convention called by secessionist Cherokees, 193; receives monetary assistance, 214 and footnote; makes personal appeal to Lincoln to enable refugees to be returned to homes, 215-216; and associates ready to negotiate for retrocession of Neutral Lands, 231; Gillpatrick medium of diplomatic intercourse between, and First Indian Expedition, 271

Ross, Mrs. W.P:  work cited, 111, footnote

Ross, W.W:  234, footnote

Round Grove (Okla.):  126

Russell, O.F:  152-153

Sac and Fox Agency (Kans.):  54, footnote, 114, footnote; suggested removal of refugees to, 212; tribes included within, 212; Osages repair to, to confer with Dole, 238 and footnote

Sacs and Foxes of Mississippi:  encounter refugees from Indian

Territory, 80; offer home to refugees, 86; reservation, 87; receive Creeks, Choctaws, and Chickasaws, 213; scheme of building houses for, 226 and footnote; Dole makes treaty with, 235; claim against Creek refugees, 235, footnote; some Sacs confer with Carruth, 274, footnote; invited to inter-tribal council, 274-275. footnote

Project Gutenberg
The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.