The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 459 pages of information about The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War.

The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 459 pages of information about The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War.

Pryor, Nathaniel:  145, footnote

Pryor Creek (Okla.):  142, 145

Quantrill, W.C:  45; guerrillas raid Black Bob Lands and Olathe, 205; raid upon Lawrence, 238, footnote, 239; work scorned and repudiated by McCulloch, 303, footnote; perpetrates Baxter Springs massacre, 304; movements, 304 and footnote; Maxey feels no repugnance for services of, 326

Quapaw Agency:  53, footnote

Quapaw Nation:  46, 50, footnote

Quapaws:  48, in First Indian Expedition, 115, footnote; driven into exile, 116 and footnote; become refugees or are drawn into ranks of Federal army, 204; some, not bona fide refugees, 204, footnote; no longer in Second Regiment of Indian Home Guards, 252

Quapaw Strip (Kans.):  126

Quesenbury, William:  158, 248, footnote

Rabb’s Battery:  114, footnote

“Radicals”:  305, footnote

Rains, James S:  125; makes Tahlequah headquarters of Eighth Division Missouri State Guard, 130, footnote; to attempt to reenter southwest Missouri, 194; Cooper acts under orders from, 197; in disgrace, 198

Randolph, J.L:  267, footnote, 309, footnote

Randolph, George W:  Pike makes complaint against Hindman, 156-158; sympathy for Pike, 168; desires to terminate Magruder’s delay, 186; suggests that Price serve as second in command under Magruder, 186, footnote; reassures Pike, 187, 189; instructions to Holmes, 189

Ratliff, Robert W:  121, footnote, 127

Rector, Elias:  175, 181, footnote

Rector, H.M:  185, footnote

“Red Legs”:  305, footnote

Red River:  20, 36, 248, 311, 315

Reserve Indians:  112; Pike negotiates successfully with, 173, footnote; volunteers authorized, 173-174, footnote; disorders among, 182; uprising against and murder of Leeper undertaken by, 182-183; Tonkawas almost exterminated by, 184; companies organized among, 266, footnote; fed by contract, 308, footnote

Reynolds, Thomas C:  287, footnote

Richardson, James D; work cited in footnotes on pages 21, 172, 278, 322

Richardson, John M:  113

Riddle’s Station (Okla.):  276, footnote 293, 295,

Ritchie, John:  applies to Dole for new instructions, 106; appraisement of, 106, footnote; dilatory in movements, 114, footnote; disagreement with Kile, 115, footnote; slow in putting in appearance at Humboldt, 115; commands Second Regiment Indian Home Guards, 115; conducts prisoners to Fort Leavenworth, 144; allows men to run amuck at Shirley’s Ford, 197; dismissal from service recommended, 197; Phillip’s ranking officer, 325

Roane, J.S:  Arkansas left in care of, 128, 149; asks forces of Pike, 149; conduct in Mexican War criticised by Pike, 149, footnote; fights duel with Pike, 149, footnote; character, 199; arrests Pike, 200

Project Gutenberg
The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.