The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 459 pages of information about The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War.

The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 459 pages of information about The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War.
of responsibility to, 253; Phillips’s plans for recovery not at present practicable, 257; strategic importance unappreciated by Halleck and Curtis, 259; Curtis to take consequences of giving up 259; privilege of writ of habeas corpus suspended in, 269; Hindman asks for assignment to, 270, footnote; is mere buffer, 276; Cooper poses as friend of, 278, 300; Creeks complaint to Davis, 279; Confederate operations confined to attacks upon supply trains, 283; removal of all Kansas Indians to, 294; roads and highways in, 295-296, footnote; necessary to Confederacy, 298, footnote; Scott enters, 300; command devolved upon Cooper, 303; made distinct from Arkansas, 303; Magruder wants attached to District of Texas, 306, footnote; war measures applied to, 308-309; Maxey in command of, 311; Indian Home Guards only Federal forces in, 312; granary of Trans-Mississippi Department, 315; Boudinot’s suggestions regarding, 317, footnote; council requests be made separate department, 318; Davis objects, 318-319; included within restored Department of Kansas, 321; Phillips starts upon expedition through, 322; Price asks for loan of troops from, 326; strategic importance of, 331; scandalous performances in, 333

Indian Trust Funds:  173-174

Indians of Plains:  regarding alliance with, 320, 335; harass Kansas and Colorado, 320 and footnote, 335

Interior Department:  73, footnote, 105 and footnote; profiteering among employees, 208; Lane and Wilder make request, 230, footnote

Inter-tribal Council:  at Leroy, 62-69, footnotes; Lane’s plans for at headquarters, 69; Leroy selected as the place for, 69; sessions of, 69-70; Hunter’s plans for, at Fort Leavenworth, 70, 74, footnote; Lane orders transfer to Fort Scott, 74, footnote; at Belmont, 237, footnote; at Armstrong Academy, 317, 320, 323

Iola (Kans.):  88, footnote; Doubleday concentrates near, 120, footnote; Osages advance as far as, 207 footnote

Ionies:  274, footnote

Iowas:  77, footnote

Ironeyes:  115, footnote

Iroquois:  79

Jackson, Claiborne:  16, 17, 50, footnote

Jackson County (Mo.):  304, footnote

Jacksonport (Ark.):  25

Jan-neh:  109, footnote

Jayhawkers:  41, footnote, 97, 101, 251, 266, 268,
footnote, 269, 273, footnote

Jayhawking Expedition:  73, footnote 274, footnote

Jennison, C.R:  50, footnote, 52, footnote 99,
footnote, 104, footnote

Jewell, Lewis R:  131

Jim Ned:  274, footnote

Jim Pockmark:  65, footnote

John Jumper:  in command of Creek and Seminole Battalion, 25; on side of Confederacy, 62, footnote; ordered to take Fort Larned, 112; Seminole Battalion in motion toward Salt Plains, 152; honour conferred upon, by Provisional Congress, 174, footnote; renegade members from Seminole Battalion of, involved in tragedy at Wichita Agency, 183; loyal to Pike, 200; member of delegation to Davis, 318, footnote; Phillips sends communication to, 323, footnote

Project Gutenberg
The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.