Hadley, Jeremiah: 236, footnote
Halleck, Henry W: in command of Department of Missouri, 27; plans for Denver, 71; disparaging remarks, 75, footnote; probable reason for objecting to use of Indians in war, 75, footnote; in charge of Department of Mississippi, 96; Lincoln’s estimate of, 96; instructed regarding First Indian Expedition, 100; opposed to arming Indians, 101; interested in suppression of jayhawkers and guerrillas, 101; well rid of Kansas, 106, footnote; disregard of orders respecting Indian Expedition, 109; calls for men, 259
Hallum, John: work cited, 149, footnote
Halpine, Charles G: 96
Hanly, Thomas B: 176
Hardin, Captain: 276, footnote
Harlan, David M: 232, footnote
Harlan, James: 214 and footnote
Harper’s Ferry Investigating Committee: 226-227
Harrell, J.M: work cited in footnotes on pages 23, 149, 188, 190, 194, 249, 251, 284, 289
Harris, Cyrus: 63, footnote
Harris, John: 207, footnote
Harris, J.D: 152
Harrison, J.E: 267, footnote
Harrison, LaRue: 259
Harrisonville (Mo.): 55
Hart’s Company: 266, footnote
Hart’s Spies: 153
Hay, John: work cited in footnotes on pages 41, 45, 96
Hebert, Louis: 34
Helena (Ark.): 283
Henning, B.S: 207, footnote
Herndon, W.H: 214, footnote
Herron, Francis J: 249, 260
Heth, Henry: 19
Hindman, Thomas C: 119, footnote; appointment, 127, footnote; assumes command of Trans-Mississippi District, 128, 186; disparagement of Pike’s command, 128, footnote; orders Pike’s white auxiliary to move to Little Rock, 147; begins controversy with Pike, 156; starts new attack upon Pike, 161; justification for treatment of Pike, 162; impossible to be reconciled to Pike, 163; withdraws approval of Pike’s resignation, 169; placed in charge of District of Arkansas, 192; appears in Tahlequah, 193; summoned by Holmes, 194; instructed to let Pike go free, 200; resorts to save expense, 247; recall demanded by Arkansas delegation, 270; associates appraised by, 270, footnote; asks for assignment to Indian Territory, 270, footnote; feeds indigents at cost of army commissary, 307
Hitchcock, E.A: 98, footnote
Ho-go-bo-foh-yah: 82
Holmes, Theophilus H: 127, footnote, 166, footnote; appointed to command of Trans-Mississippi Department, 187; develops prejudice against Pike, 188; grants Pike leave of absence, 190; real reasons for unfriendliness to Pike, 198-199; orders arrest of Pike, 199; forced to concede Indian claim to some consideration, 200; command placed under supervision of Kirby Smith, 269; relations with Hindman, 269; displacement demanded by Arkansas delegation, 270; Price commands in District of Arkansas during illness, 299, footnote; not friend of Steele, 311