George Washington eBook

William Roscoe Thayer
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 229 pages of information about George Washington.

George Washington eBook

William Roscoe Thayer
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 229 pages of information about George Washington.

United States Bank, 189.

Valley Forge, American army in winter quarters at, 100 ff., 118.

Van Braam, Jacob, 14.

Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Count de, favors cause of the Colonies, 94;
  secures cooeperation of Spain, 99; 142.

Vernon, Edward, Admiral, 5, 9.

Victoria, Queen, 153.

Virginia, effect in, of Braddock’s defeat, 24, 25;
  in the 1750’s, 44, 45;
  fox-hunting and horse-racing, 45,46;
  opposition in, to acts of the Crown, 50, 51;
  state of opinion in, 55, 56; population of, in 1775, 67, 68;
  jealousy between Mass, and, 64; 164, 166.

Virginia House of Burgesses, W. a member of, 36, 37;
  adopts Mason’s plan of association, 53.

Walpole, Horace, 18.

Washington, Augustine, W.’s father, marries Mary Ball, 1.

Washington, George, ancestry, 1;
  birth, 1, 2;
  childhood and education, 2;
  errors of Weems’s biography, 2, 3;
  absurdity of the cherry-tree story, 2;
  Sparks’s ill-advised editing of letters of, 3, 4;
  and Mather’s Young Man’s Companion, 4;
  surveys Fairfax estate, 5;
  results of his experience as surveyor, 5;
  his journals, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 37, 38, 39, 169;
  his disposition, 7, 8;
  attention, to dress, 8, 9;
  declines appointment as midshipman, 9;
  commissioned major of militia, 9;
  visit to Barbados, 9, 10;
  as manager of Mt.  Vernon, 12;
  sent by Dinwiddie on mission of warning to French, 14;
  and the “Half-King,” 14, 15;
  second in command of Fry’s expedition, 15_ff_.;
  was he a “silent man”? 17, 18;
  a volunteer on Braddock’s expedition, 20, 21;
  his account of the defeat, 22, 23;
  his conduct in the battle, 23;
  moral results of his campaigning, 25, 26;
  his early love-affairs, 30, 31;
  and Mary Philipse, 31, 32;
  his physique, 32, 69;
  a sound thinker, 33, 70;
  inherits Mt.  Vernon, 33;
  courts and marries Mrs. Custis, 33, 34, 35;
  in House of Burgesses, 36, 37;
  as an agriculturist, 37 ff.;
  his views on slave labor, 38, and slavery, 38, 39, 238;
  relations with his slaves, 38, 237-239;
  and his step-children, 40-42;
  by nature a man of business, 42, 43;
  improves his education, 43, 44;
  as a country gentleman, 44_ff_.;
  the hospitality of Mt.  Vernon, 45.

  His view of the Stamp Act and other measures of the British
     Government, 51, 52;
  a loyal American, 52;
  signs Mason’s plan of association, 53;
  no doubt as to his position, 55, 56, 57;
  offers to raise 1000 men at his own expense, 57;
  in first Continental Congress, 59, 60;
  his mind made up, 62, 63;
  chosen Commander-in-chief of Continental forces, 64, 65;
  takes command at Cambridge, 65, 69;
  plans to blockade Boston, 69;
  jealousy among his officers, 70, 71;

Project Gutenberg
George Washington from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.