George Washington eBook

William Roscoe Thayer
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 229 pages of information about George Washington.

George Washington eBook

William Roscoe Thayer
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 229 pages of information about George Washington.

Mather, W., The Young Man’s Companion, 4.

Meil, Mrs., 30, 31.

Mifflin, Thomas, of the Conway Cabal, 116; 138, 139, 161.

Military dictatorship under W., fear of, 141, 142, 154.

Militia, W. quoted on, 81.

Miner, Rev. James, 252.

Mississippi River, Lower, closed to Americans by treaty with Spain,

Moffatt, Rev. Mr., 252.

Monarchy, fears of reversion to, 142.

Monmouth, Battle of, 106.

Monongahela River, 13.

Monroe, James, Minister to France, recalled by W., 216;
  his letter to Committee of Public Safety, 116; 242.

Montcalm, Louis Joseph, Marquis de, 28.

Montgomery, Richard, at Quebec, 71, 72; 77.

Morgan, Daniel, 122.

Morris, Gouverneur, 161, 167, 168, 207.

Morris, Robert, letter to W., 88; 161.

Morris, Roger, 32, 80.

Morristown, winter quarters at, 89.

Mossum, Rev. Peter, 35.

Mount Vernon, inherited by Lawrence Washington, 5;
  hospitality of, 7, 45;
  W. manager of, 12;
  inherited by W., 33;
  a model plantation of Its kind, 39, 43, 44;
  W. returns to, after the war, 139;
  his life at, 146;
  his last days at, 232 ff.;
  his funeral at, 251-253.

Napoleon I, 218, 240.

National Gazette, 220, 222.

Neal, John, quoted, 3.

Neutrality, Proclamation of, gives offense to both England and
    France, 204;
  the only rational course, 205.

New England, manufacturing in, 68;
  freed from British troops, 74.

New Jersey, 155.

New York City, W.’s headquarters at, 76;
  Howe’s fleet arrives at, 76;
  loyalist sentiment in, 78, 79, 121;
  British troops return to, 105,106;
  W.’s farewell to officers at, 136, 137;
  W. inaugurated as President at, 176, 177;
  ceases to be national capital, 182 ff.

New York State, fails to choose electors in 1788, 175.

North, Frederick, Lord, Prime Minister, 54;
  his subservience to the King, 54, 55;
  retires after Yorktown, 130; 60, 61.

North Carolina, British victories in, 122.

Northwest, the, W.’s vision of development of, 144, 145.

Office-seekers, W. and, 180.

O’Hara, General, 125.

Ohio River, 13.

Oriskany, Battle of, 92.

Osgood, Samuel, 229.

Otis, James, 49.

Pall-holders at W.’s funeral, 252.

Paris, Treaty of (1763), 28, 29.

Paris, Treaty of (1783), 130, 131;
  W. quoted on, 131.

Parliament, passes and repeals Stamp Act, 49;
  lays duties on paper, tea, etc., 49;
  other irritating measures passed by, 53, 58;
  enacts penal laws, 58, 59.

Project Gutenberg
George Washington from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.