George Washington eBook

William Roscoe Thayer
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 229 pages of information about George Washington.

George Washington eBook

William Roscoe Thayer
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 229 pages of information about George Washington.

King, Rufus, 161, 167, 168.

Knox, Henry, Secretary of War, 181, 229;
  letters of W. to, 170, 171, 203;
  95, 123, 124, 136, 217, 231, 258.

Kosciuszko, Tadeusz, 95.

Lafayette, Gilbert Motier, Marquis de, joins W.’s staff, 99;
  and Charles Lee, at Monmouth, 115;
  letters of W. to, 143, 144, 145, 170, 171, 172; 110, 123.

Lansing, John, 161.

Laurens, Henry, letters of W. to, 101-103, 117, 118.

Lear, Tobias, secretary to W., 148;
  quoted, 242;
  his account of W.’s last hours, 243-249;
  notes on W.’s funeral, 252, 253; 232, 241, 250.

Lee, Billy (slave), 238, 239.

Lee, Charles, appointed Major-General, 70, 71;
  at Monmouth, 106, 115;
  censured by W., 106, 115, 116;
  early career of, 114, 115;
  court-martialed, and leaves the army, 116;
  anecdote of, 116 n.; 65, 128.

Lee, Charles, Attorney-General, 229.

Lee, Henry, author of phrase, “First in war,” etc., 251;
  letter of W. to, 221, 222.

Lee, Richard H., letters of W. to, 96, 147; 163.

Lewis, Mrs. Eleanor (Custis), 242.

Lewis, Lawrence, and Miss Custis, 232, 233; 247.

Lexington, Battle of, 63.

Lillo, George, George Barnwell, 10, 11.

Lincoln, Abraham, 149.

Lincoln, Benjamin, surrenders Charleston, S.C., 122;
  receives surrender of British at Yorktown, 125; 123.

Livingston, Robert R., 177.

Lodge, H.C., George Washington, quoted, 15, 17, 220, 235, 236.

Long Island, Battle of, 77, 78.

Louis XVI, execution of, 193; 94, 99.

Low-Land Beauty, the, 30.

Loyalists, in the Colonies, 61, 62;
  during and after the war, 127, 128.

McClellan, George B., 82.

McClurg, James, 162.

McHenry, James, Secretary of War, 229;
  letter of, to W., 217; 161, 231, 232.

McKean, Thomas, 59.

MacKenzie, Robert, letter of W. to, 63.

Machiavelli, Niccolo, The Prince, and W.’s Farewell
    Address, 226.

Madison, James, opposes Jay Treaty, 210;
  and the Farewell Address, 224;
  letter of W. to, 158;
  156, 159, 160, 161, 163, 165, 168, 194, 242.

Marie Antoinette, execution of, 193.

Marshall, John, Life of Washington, quoted, 28, 136, 137-139;
  on X.Y.Z. mission to France, 215; 47, 251, 258.

Mason, George, plan of association, 52, 53;
  letter to W. 56;
  letter of W. to, 56; 161, 168, 169.

Massachusetts, leads in opposing acts of British Crown, 49;
  charter of, suspended, 58, 59;
  population of, in 1775, 67, 68;
  and Virginia, jealousy between, 64;
  freed from British troops, 74.

Project Gutenberg
George Washington from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.