je vous remercie ma tres chere sA"ur de l’interest que vous prenez a mon fils, tout le monde dit qu’il ressemble a L’empereur. cela me Charme il est bien portant a present, et j’espere qu’il sera digne de servir sous les drapeaux de son auguste oncle.—adieu ma chere sA"ur soyA(C)s assA(C)s bonne pour Conserver un souvenir a une sA"ur qui vous est tendrement attachee. Napoleon ne cesse de lire la lettre pleine de bonte que V.M. a daigne lui ecrire, cela lui a fait sentir le plaisir qu’il y avait a savoir lire, et l’encourage dans ses etudes—je vous embrasse et suis,
Madame et tres chere SA"ur
de V.M.
La plus attachee
[Illustration: Autograph of the Princess Borghese]
Pitti le 18 janvier 1811
* * * * *
[Footnote 66: See Magazin Encyclopedique, for 1802, III. p. 504.]
[Footnote 67: This transaction appears to have been peculiarly flagrant: a long detail of the circumstances, accompanied by several letters, very characteristic of the feeling and church-government of the times, is preserved in the Concilia Normannica, p. 520.—The account concludes in the following words:—“Exhorruit ad facinus, non Normannia solum et Anglia, quibus maledicta progenies notissima erat, sed et universa Gallia, et a singulis ad Apostolicum Paschalem delatum est. Nec tamen utrique simul ante quinquienniuin sordes de domo Dei propulsare praevaluerunt. Ceteris ferventius institit Yvo Carnotensis Antistes, conculcatae disciplinae ecclesiasticae zelo succensus; in tantum ut Neustriacos Praesules quasi desides ac pusillanimes coarguere veritus non sit: sed ea erat Ecclesiae sub ignavo Principe sors per omnia lamentabilis, ut ipsemet postmodum cum laude non invitus agnovit.”]
[Footnote 68: Sandford, in his Genealogical History of the Kings of England, says, that this marriage was solemnized at Luxseul, in the county of Burgundy; but he refers for his authority to Ordericus Vitalis, by whom it is stated to have been at Luxovium, the name by which he always calls Lisieux; and he, in the same page, mentions the assembly of the nobles also held there.]
[Footnote 69: Annal, IV. p. 599.]
(Caen, August, 1818.)
Our reception at Caen has been somewhat inauspicious: we had scarcely made the few necessary arrangements at the hotel, and seated ourselves quietly before the caffe au lait, when two gens-d’armes, in military costume, stalked without ceremony into the room, and, taking chairs at the table, began the conversation rather abruptly, with “Monsieur, vous etes sous arret.”—My companions were appalled by such a salutation, and apprehended