of which has long been the pride of Rouen. You
must consider too, that every thing of this kind is,
in France, national: individuals do nothing,
neither is it expected of them; and herein consists
one of the most essential differences between France
and England. To meet this great expenditure, the
city is provided with the rents of public lands, with
wharfage, with tolls from the markets and the
and, above all, with the
octroi, a tax that
prevails through France, upon every article of consumption
brought into the towns, and is collected at the barriers.
octroi, like turnpike-tolls or the post-horse
duty with us, is farmed; two-thirds are received by
the government, and the remaining one-third by the
town. In Rouen it produced the last year one
million four hundred and fifty thousand francs.—If,
now, this sum appears to you comparatively greater
than that of our large cities in England, you must
recollect that, with us, towns are not liable to similar
charges: our corporations support no museums,
no academies, no learned bodies; and our infirmaries,
and dispensaries, and hospitals, are indebted, as
well for their existence as their future maintenance,
to the piety of the dead, or the liberality of the
living. Nor must we forget that, even in this
great kingdom, Rouen, at present, holds the fifth
place among the towns; though it was far from being
thus, when Buonaparte, uniting the imperial to the
iron crown, overshadowed with his eagle-wings the
continent from the Baltic to Apulia; and when the
mural crowns of Rome and Amsterdam stood beneath the
shield of the “good city” of Paris.
The population of Rouen is estimated at eighty-seven
thousand persons, of whom the greater number are engaged
in the manufactories, which consist principally of
cotton, linen, and woollen cloths, and are among the
largest in France. At present, however, “trade
is dull;” and hence, and as the politics of
a trader invariably sympathize with his cash account,
neither the peace, nor the English, nor the princes
of the Bourbon dynasty, are popular here; for the
articles manufactured at Rouen, being designed generally
for exportation, ranged almost unrivalled over the
continent, during the war, but now in every town they
meet with competitors in the goods from England, which
are at once of superior workmanship and cheaper.
The latter advantage is owing very much to the greater
perfection of our machinery, and, perhaps, still more
to the abundance of coals, which enables us, at so
small an expence, to keep our steam-engines in action,
and thus to counterbalance the disproportion in the
charge of manual labor, as well as the many disadvantages
arising from the pressure of our heavy taxation.—But
I must cease. An English fit of growling is coming
upon me; and I find that the Blue Devils, which haunt
St. Stephen’s chapel, are pursuing me over the
[48] Moore’s Journal of a Residence in France,
I. p. 82.