Parliament, were melted butter to them; upon this
lay a medley of flocks and feathers sewed up together
in a large bag, (for I am confident it was not a tick)
but so ill ordered that the knobs stuck out on each
side like a crab-tree cudgel. He had need to
have flesh enough that lyeth on one of them, otherwise
the second night would wear out his bones.—Let
us now walk into the kitchen and observe their provision.
And here we found a most terrible execution committed
on the person of a pullet; my hostess, cruel woman,
had cut the throat of it, and without plucking off
the feathers, tore it into pieces with her hands, and
afterwards took away skin and feathers together:
this done, it was clapped into a pan and fried for
supper.—But the principal ornaments of these
inns are the men-servants, the raggedest regiment
that ever I yet looked upon; such a thing as a chamberlain
was never heard of amongst them, and good clothes
are as little known as he. By the habits of his
attendants a man would think himself in a gaol, their
clothes are either full of patches or open to the
skin. Bid one of them make clean your boots, and
presently he hath recourse to the curtains.—They
wait always with their hats on, and so do all servants
attending on their masters.—Time and use
reconciled me to many other things, which, at the first
were offensive; to this most irreverent custom I returned
an enemy; neither can I see how it can choose but
stomach the most patient to see the worthiest
sign of liberty usurped and profaned by the basest
of slaves.”—Peter then has a learned
excursus de jure pileorum, wherein Tertullian
de Spectaculis, Erasmus his Chiliades,
and many other reverent authorities are adduced; also,
giving an account of his successful exertions, as
to “the licence of putting on our caps at our
public meetings, which privilege, time, and the tyranny
of the vice-chancellor, had taken from.”
After which, he still resumes in ire,—“this
French sauciness hath drawn me out of the way; an
impudent familiarity, which, I confess, did much offend
me; and to which I still profess myself an open enemy.
Though Jacke speak French, I cannot endure Jacke should
be a gentleman.”
[29] Geographie de la France, II. p. 115.
[30] Description de la Haute Normandie, I. p. 94.
[31] P. 196, 203, 204.
[32] Description de la Haute Normandie, I. p. 90.—Some other writers date the foundation A.D. 666.
[33] Gough’s Alien Priories, I. p. 9.
[34] This important part of its treasures, we may hope, from the following passage in Noel, has been in a measure preserved. “On m’a assure que cette derniere partie des richesses litteraires de notre pays etoit heureusement conservee: puisse aujourd’hui ce depot, honorant les mains qui le possedent, parvenir integre jusqu’aux tems properes ou le genie de l’histoire pourra utiliser sa possession.”—Essais sur la Seine Inferieure, II. p. 21.