commonly known by the name of Caesar’s camp,
or even more generally in the country by that of “la
Cite de Limes,” and in old writings, of
“Civitas Limarum,” is situated upon
the brink of the cliff, about two miles to the east
of Dieppe, on the road leading to Eu, and still preserves
in a state of perfection its ancient form and character;
though necessarily reduced in the height of its vallum
by the operation of time, and probably also diminished
in its size by the gradual encroachments of the ocean.
Upon its shape, which is an irregular triangle, it
may be well to make a preliminary observation, that
this was necessarily prescribed by the scite; and
that, however the Romans might commonly prefer a square
outline for their temporary encampments, we have abundant
proofs that they only adhered to this plan when it
was perfectly conformable to the nature of the ground,
but that when they fortified any commanding position,
upon which a rectangular rampart could not be seated,
their intrenchments were made to follow the sinuosities
of the hill. In the present instance the northern
side, the longest, extending nearly five thousand
feet, fronts the channel, and it required no other
defence than was afforded by the perpendicular face
of the cliff, here more than two hundred feet in height.
The western side, the second in length, and not greatly
inferior to the first, after running about three thousand
feet from the sea, in a tolerably straight line southward,
suddenly bends to the east, and forms two semi-circles,
of one of which the radius is turned from the camp,
and of the other into it. The third side is scarcely
more than half the length of the others, and runs
nearly straight from south to north, where it again
unites with the cliff. Of the two last-mentioned
sides the first is difficult of access; from its position
at the summit of a steep hill; but it is still protected
by a vallum from thirty to forty feet high, and between
the sea and the entrance nearest to it, a length of
about three hundred yards, by a wide exterior ditch
with other out-works, as well as by an inner fosse,
faint traces of which only now remain. Hence
to the next and large entrance is a distance of about
two thousand feet; and in this space the interior
fosse is still very visible; but the great abruptness
of the hill forbade an outer one.
You, who are not a stranger to the pleasures of botany, would have shared my delight at finding upon the perpendicular side of this entrance the beautiful Caucalis grandiflora, growing in great luxuriance upon almost bare chalk, and with its snowy flowers resembling, as you look down to it, the common species of Iberis of our gardens. The Asperula cynanchica, and other plants peculiar to a chalky soil, are also found here in plenty, together with the Eryngium campestre, a vegetable of extreme rarity in England, but most abundant throughout the north of France. Papaver hybridum is likewise common in the neighboring corn fields round.