A Simple Soul eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 44 pages of information about A Simple Soul.

A Simple Soul eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 44 pages of information about A Simple Soul.

Nevertheless, he sought society; for on Sunday, when the ladies Rochefeuille, Monsieur de Houppeville and the new habitues, Onfroy, the chemist, Monsieur Varin and Captain Mathieu, dropped in for their game of cards, he struck the window-panes with his wings and made such a racket that it was impossible to talk.

Bourais’ face must have appeared very funny to Loulou.  As soon as he saw him he would begin to roar.  His voice re-echoed in the yard, and the neighbours would come to the windows and begin to laugh, too; and in order that the parrot might not see him, Monsieur Bourais edged along the wall, pushed his hat over his eyes to hide his profile, and entered by the garden door, and the looks he gave the bird lacked affection.  Loulou, having thrust his head into the butcher-boy’s basket, received a slap, and from that time he always tried to nip his enemy.  Fabu threatened to ring his neck, although he was not cruelly inclined, notwithstanding his big whiskers and tattooings.  On the contrary, he rather liked the bird, and, out of devilry, tried to teach him oaths.  Felicite, whom his manner alarmed, put Loulou in the kitchen, took off his chain and let him walk all over the house.

When he went downstairs, he rested his beak on the steps, lifted his right foot and then his left one; but his mistress feared that such feats would give him vertigo.  He became ill and was unable to eat.  There was a small growth under his tongue like those chickens are sometimes afflicted with.  Felicite pulled it off with her nails and cured him.  One day, Paul was imprudent enough to blow the smoke of his cigar in his face; another time, Madame Lormeau was teasing him with the tip of her umbrella and he swallowed the tip.  Finally he got lost.

She had put him on the grass to cool him and went away only for a second; when she returned, she found no parrot!  She hunted among the bushes, on the bank of the river, and on the roofs, without paying any attention to Madame Aubain who screamed at her:  “Take care! you must be insane!” Then she searched every garden in Pont-l’Eveque and stopped the passers-by to inquire of them:  “Haven’t you perhaps seen my parrot?” To those who had never seen the parrot, she described him minutely.  Suddenly she thought she saw something green fluttering behind the mills at the foot of the hill.  But when she was at the top of the hill she could not see it.  A hod-carrier told her that he had just seen the bird in Saint-Melaine, in Mother Simon’s store.  She rushed to the place.  The people did not know what she was talking about.  At last she came home, exhausted, with her slippers worn to shreds, and despair in her heart.  She sat down on the bench near Madame and was telling of her search when presently a light weight dropped on her shoulder—­Loulou!  What the deuce had he been doing?  Perhaps he had just taken a little walk around the town!

She did not easily forget her scare; in fact, she never got over it.  In consequence of a cold, she caught a sore throat; and some time later she had an earache.  Three years later she was stone deaf, and spoke in a very loud voice even in church.  Although her sins might have been proclaimed throughout the diocese without any shame to herself, or ill effects to the community, the cure thought it advisable to receive her confession in the vestry-room.

Project Gutenberg
A Simple Soul from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.