A Voyage Round the World, Volume I eBook

James Holman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 420 pages of information about A Voyage Round the World, Volume I.

A Voyage Round the World, Volume I eBook

James Holman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 420 pages of information about A Voyage Round the World, Volume I.
to exertion, by the union of interest and self-preservation, their labours proceeded with surprising rapidity, and in a very few weeks presented the skeletons of twenty-two dwelling houses, ranged in an orderly manner to form the principal street of their town.  Unfortunately, at this period, so promising to their hopes, and so honourable to their assiduity, a circumstance occurred that interrupted their avocations in the most painful manner, and plunged them into a disastrous war with the natives.

A small vessel, the prize of an English cruiser, bound to Sierra Leone, and having on board about thirty liberated Africans, put into the roads for water, and had the misfortune to part her cable and run ashore below George’s town, where she was in a few hours beaten to pieces by the heavy surf.  She was immediately claimed by the natives on behalf of their king, whose alleged rights they came forward to maintain by the force of arms.—­In attempting to board, however, they were opposed and beaten back by the prize-master and his crew.  The American settlers, perceiving the extreme danger of their English visitors, hastened to their relief, bringing with them a brass field-piece, which they turned against the assailants, who, terrified by so unaccustomed a mode of warfare, hastily retreated towards their forest-bound hamlet, leaving the English officer, his crew, and the Africans at liberty.  The damage on both sides was, however, considerable; on that of the natives it consisted of many wounded men and two killed; on that of the strangers, in the total loss of their vessel, with most part of their stores and property; but on that of the settlers the injury sustained was fatally severe, it consisted of the destruction by fire of their most valuable and requisite stores, amounting in actual worth to three thousand dollars:  a loss incalculably increased by their necessities.

The accident arose from some mismanagement of the fusee, used for the cannon, a spark from which communicating with the thatch of the public storehouse so rapidly spread into a flame, that it was only by the most daring courage that the powder, some casks of provisions, and a few other stores were rescued from the devastating element.

The natives meanwhile, exasperated at the interference of the settlers, and maddened by the sight of their wounded and dead brethren, were only restrained from taking summary vengeance by the dread of the artillery.  Even this fear could not prevent their occasionally venturing near enough to fire upon the settlers and their new allies,—­these furtive and for the most part futile indications of malignity, were, however, always easily repelled by a single shot from a four or six-pounder, which usually put the assailants for the time being to an immediate flight.  But it was not to this mockery of warfare with King George’s warriors that the annoyance of the settlers was limited.  Many and various were the vexations to which the hostility

Project Gutenberg
A Voyage Round the World, Volume I from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.