A Voyage Round the World, Volume I eBook

James Holman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 420 pages of information about A Voyage Round the World, Volume I.

A Voyage Round the World, Volume I eBook

James Holman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 420 pages of information about A Voyage Round the World, Volume I.
one of the Captains of the palm-oil vessels.  He ordered some Membo (palm-wine) to be presented to us; we found it flavoured with a strong bitter, produced by the use of a native nut.  To our European palate, this taste was by no means agreeable.  It is with palm-wine so prepared, however, that his Majesty contrives to get tipsy with such punctuality.  When this liquor first exudes from the tree, and before the process of fermentation has drawn its intoxicating qualities into action, it is a sweet and not unpleasant beverage.

Our interview lasted about an hour, when we took leave of the King, to return on board.  In passing through one of the streets, we saw a guana climbing up a tree, the Doctor advanced and seized it by the tail, a proceeding by no means dangerous as regarded the animal, whose nature is extremely gentle.  The natives, however, witnessed this act with horror, this creature being to them an object of worship.  As these animals are protected by the superstition of the people, and are allowed to enter their houses at pleasure, they become extremely bold, and frequently help themselves to a chicken, or any thing else for which they have a fancy, upon which occasion the owner feels himself highly favoured, and imagines that some good fortune will attend him in consequence.  I was informed that they have been known to devour young infants.  A guana was once killed on board an English vessel, upon which the trade with that vessel was immediately stopped, and a grand palaver held, when the Captain was sentenced to pay a fine of 500 bars, this was afterwards commuted to 200; and when it was paid the ship was permitted to recommence trading.

The ceremony of opening the trade with each vessel is as follows:  a day being appointed by the King, a dinner is prepared, and His Majesty is entertained by the Captain and his officers, on board the trader.  The black gentlemen who form the royal suite are obliged, upon this occasion, to trust to chance, and the good-nature of the ship’s crew, for their share of the feast.  In order that no point of courtesy may be wanting, it is requisite to send a boat from the ship to meet His Majesty, as he comes out of the creek in his own canoe.  The King, upon joining his entertainers, immediately enters their boat; which condescension is acknowledged by a salute of seven guns, fired from the ship.  On arriving alongside, His Majesty throws an egg at the vessel’s hull; he then ascends to the deck, which is usually covered, from the gangway to the cabin, with a piece of cloth; an arm chair, covered and ornamented with the same material, being placed ready for his accommodation.

The only beverage used by King Peppel is his favourite Membo, which is brought on board by his attendants.  His Majesty commonly returns about sunset to the shore, when a second salute of seven guns is fired from the ship, and the trade is declared free to all his subjects.

Project Gutenberg
A Voyage Round the World, Volume I from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.