Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, Commanded By the Late Captain Owen Stanley, R.N., F.R.S. Etc. During the Years 1846-1850. eBook

John MacGillivray
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 347 pages of information about Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, Commanded By the Late Captain Owen Stanley, R.N., F.R.S. Etc. During the Years 1846-1850..

Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, Commanded By the Late Captain Owen Stanley, R.N., F.R.S. Etc. During the Years 1846-1850. eBook

John MacGillivray
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 347 pages of information about Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, Commanded By the Late Captain Owen Stanley, R.N., F.R.S. Etc. During the Years 1846-1850..

Helix yulei.  Tab. n. fig. 6. a, b.

Testa profunde umbilicata, depresso-globosa, solida, striata, sub epidermide fulvo-alba, fasciis castaneis cingulata; spira sub-depressa, obtusa; anfractus 6 convexiusculi; apertura subcircularis; peristoma nigrum, expansum, margine basali reflexo, columellari dilatato, umbilicum subtegente.  Diam. maj. 37, min. 27, alt. 25, mill. (Mus.  Brit.)

This handsome species is of a rich fulvous hue, with dark chestnut bands and a deep chestnut umbilicus, partly covered by the reflexion of the nearly black lip.  It is allied to the H. incei, a well known north-east Australian species.  It was found in hollow trees, and under logs and stones at Port Molle, in the same region.

Helix macgillivrayi.  Tab. 3 fig. 1.

Testa imperforata, trochiformis, carinata, striis minutis spiralibus ornata, pallide fusco-carnea, punctis nigris albo-occellatis sparsa; spira conica; anfractus 6 planati, ultimus carinatus, basi subplanatus; apertura oblique oblonga, intus brunnea, margine externo bisinuato; peristoma album, incrassatum, infra reflexum; columella basi rufescens.  Diam. maj. 23, min. 19, alt. 21, mill. (Mus.  Brit. and Geol.)

Of all Australian Helices, this is perhaps the most curious.  Its outline and aspect are singularly like those of a Trochus of the Ziziphinus group.  The colour is also very singular, being a yellowish flesh hue deepening on the base to rich brownish-yellow, and speckled irregularly with minute black dots which are areolated with white, the white ring being largest on the side towards the mouth.  The fine striae that encircle the body are also very curious.  The outer lip of the aperture seems as if it had been dented in two places.  Behind the white thickened peristome, intemaily is a dark brown band, which is seen through the shell as a dark blackish green stripe.  The edge of the outer lip declines to join the body whorl a little below the keel.  It was found on trunks and branches of trees in the Frankland Isles.

Helix dunkiensis.  Tab. 2 fig. 7. a, b.

Testa umbilicata, depresso-globosa, subcarinata, solida, radiato striata et subtilissime granulata, flavida; spira late depressa, convexiuscula, apice obtusa; anfractus 6 convexiusculi, ultimo obsolete carinato; apertura lunaris, intus alba; peristoma superne rectum, margine basali margine columellarique sub-reflexis, umbilicus profundus, conspicuus, vix obtectus.  Diam. maj. 24, min. 21, alt. 16, mill. (Mus.  Brit.)

This snail strikingly resembles some Illyrian forms.  It has affinities with H. coriaria, a species said to be from Ceylon.  It was taken under stones and about roots of trees in Dunk Island, on the North-East coast of Australia.

Helix franklandiensis.  Tab. 2 fig. 2. a, b.

Testa aperte-umbilicata, tumido-depressa, nitidissima, superne radiatim striata, cornea, fasciis angustis transversis distantibus fulvis; spira angusta; anfractus 5 planiusculi, ultimus rotundatus, antice vix descendentes; apertura rotundata; peristoma simplex, vix acutum, rectum, margine columellari non reflexo.  Diam. maj. 26, min. 21, alt. 14 mill.  (Mus.  Brit.)

Project Gutenberg
Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, Commanded By the Late Captain Owen Stanley, R.N., F.R.S. Etc. During the Years 1846-1850. from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.