a Table will disappear in a few Seconds of a Minute,
and leave only the Appearance of a large oily Ring
behind; but if it leaves the least Watery or Spirituous
Moisture, or does not evaporate in much less than a
Minute, it is not good. The best AETHER will dissolve
in, or mix with, a certain Quantity of Water; and
that is the best which requires the largest Quantity
of Water to dissolve it: If, therefore, to fix
Tea Spoonsful of Water in a small Phial, you add one
of the AETHER to be examined, cork up the Phial, and
shake them very well together, and upon standing a
little while some part of the AETHER appears at Top,
in form of Oil, sufficient to cover the surface of
the Mixture, it may be pronounced good (provided it
also answers, in the other Methods of Trial) and the
more appears the better is the AETHER; but if none
appears, or not enough to cover the surface of the
Mixture, it was either adulterated, or not well rectified.
If to this Mixture of AETHER and Water you add a little
Salt of Tartar, and any Fermentation ensues,
the AETHER was not well rectified. Upon shaking
briskly a Phial containing AETHER, if the Bubbles,
or Proof as they are usually called, do not disappear
in less Time, and in larger Bubbles, than any other
Liquor, (the Vinous Alcohol perhaps excepted) ’tis
not Genuine.
It is the more necessary to observe these Rules of
proving the Quality of the AETHER, as the imperfect
Sorts have been found to disagree with the Stomach,
and produce other bad Effects, besides disappointing
the Patient’s Expectation. The AETHER that
has the foremention’d Properties, (for there
are Preparations sold by the same name, which are
very imperfect Imitations of it) is made and sold
by M. TURNER, Surgeon, in Liverpool. The
Ounce Phial two Shillings; the Half Ounce one
Shilling. The Phials are square; the Word
AETHER, inscribed on one Side, and M. TURNER on the
opposite, and sealed with a Lion gardant, &c.
Proper Abatement will be made to Druggists, Apothecaries,
or the Gentlemen of the Faculty who use any considerable
Quantity. To prevent it’s escape and loss,
a small Quantity of Water is put into each Phial, which
should be kept with the Cork downwards, by which Means
the AETHER is prevented, by the interposition of the
Water, from evaporating.
The Publisher has also appointed it to be sold by
Mr. R. Board, Chemist and Druggist, in
Grace-church-street; and Mr. J. Wilkie,
Bookseller, at the Bible in St. Paul’s
Churchyard, LONDON: and Mr. Peter Wilson,
Bookseller, in Dame-street, DUBLIN.