As the empire of Peru was made up of many barbarous tribes, its native inhabitants spoke many languages or dialects, which were only understood in their own particular districts. The language of the ruling people or tribe to which the royal family belonged, called the Quichua, was solely used at court, and we have already seen that the sons of all the chiefs or curacas of the empire were ordered to be educated at Cuzco, that they might be all able to converse with the sovereign. In this language the sounds of b, d, f, g, and r, are said to have been wanting; and yet that of the r occurs in the names of several of their kings. Garcilasso says that this letter had a guttural sound, perhaps resembling the burr, or parler gras of the French: And it is alleged that this language of a comparatively barbarous people was nearly as copious and as artificial as the Greek. The following specimens are given in the Modern Geography, III. 585, to which are added two examples of what are called Peruvian poetry, from Garcilasso de la Vega, p. 50. The nouns in this language are declined by altering the terminations thus; Runa, a man; Runap, of a man; Runapac, to a man, &c. The verbs have also moods and tenses, the terminations often extending to a great length.
1. Huc 5. Chumpi, picheca. 9. Yscon. 2. Yscay 6. Zocta. 10. Chunca. 3. Quimza 7. Canchis. 100. Pachac. 4. Tahua 8. Puzac. 1000. Huaranca.
The Andes....Anti A Hog.........Cuchi The Arm......Ricra A House.......Huaci Bad..........Mana alli[A] A Husband.....Coza The Beard....Zunca Iron..........Quellay Beauty.......Zumay A King........Capac, Inca The Belly....Vicza A Lake........Cocha A Brother....Huauquey A Lance.......Chuqui A Canoe......Huampu Land..........Allpa To Die.......Huauny, pitini Little........Huchuy A Dog........Alles Love..........Cuyay, munay To Drink.....Upiana A man.........Runa The Ears.....Rinri The Moon......Quilla Eared, or having Mother........Mama great ears...Ringrim A Mountain....Puna, acha To Eat.......Micuni The Mouth.....Simi An Emerald...Umina No............Maria The Eye......Naui The Nose......Cenca A Family.....Ayllu A Queen, or Father.......Mayu Princess...Coya Fire.........Nina A Sacrifice...Arpay Many fires...Ninanina Sand..........Aco A Fish.......Challhua The Sea.......Atun cocha[B] Flesh........Aycha .......Mama cocha[C] A Foot.......Chaqui A Ship........Huampu[D] A Friend.....Cocho Silver........Collqui Good.........Alli A Sister......Panay