Spanish 867
Savings banks 332
Saxon language 429
Saxons 943
Scandinavia 948
Scandinavian language 498
Scandinavian literature 898
Scepticism 211
Scholastic philosophy 198
Schools 378
Schools Sunday 268
School architecture 727
School houses 727
Schools of art 707
Schools of painting 753-756
Schopenhauer’s philosophy 193
Schleswig-Holstein 943
Science, Natural 500
biography of 925
Scientific societies 506
Scientific travels 508
Scotland 941
Scotch language 496
Scotch philosophy 192
Scriptures 220
Scrofulous diseases 616
Sculpture 730
Sculptors’ lives 927
Seamanship 656, 527
Secession 342
Second advent 236
Second sight 133
Secret societies 366
Sects, Christian 280
Secular education 377
Self-culture 374
Self-education 374
Semitic languages 493
Semitic literature 893
Sensation 152
Sensational psychology 145
Sense 152
Sepulchres 718
Sepulture 614
Sermons 252-259
Serpents 598
Servants 647
Servia 949
Sewerage 614
Sewing 687
Sewing machine 687
Sex in education 376
Sexual ethics 176
Sexual science 618
Sexes 136
Shades and shadows 744
Shakers 289
Shakesperiana 822
Sheep 636
Shells 594
Shells fossil 564
Shemitic languages 493
Ship-building 699
Ship-canals 626, 387
Shipping laws 346
Shoemaking 685, 675
Shooting 799
Short-hand 653
Shrubbery 716
Siam 959
Siberia 957
Sicily 945
Sick-room 649
Sieges 355, 623
Sight 536
Sight hygiene 613
Signals 654
Sign painting 698
Silk culture 638
Silk manufacture 677
Silk worm 638, 595
Silver metal 549
Silver mines 628
Silver money 332
Sin 233
Singing 784
Sisters of Mercy 362
Skating 796
Skepticism 211
Skin diseases 616
Skye 941
Slander 177, 345
Slang 427, 437, etc.
Slating 695
Slavery 326
Slavic language 497
Slavic literature 897
Sleep 135
Sleep walking 135
Small-pox 616, 614
Soap-making 664
Social ethics 177
Social science 300
Social worship 247
Socialisms 335
Societies, fine arts 706
Societies, general 60
Societies, history 906
Societies, literature 806
Societies, natural science 506
Societies, philology 406
Societies, philosophy 106
Societies, science 506
Societies, secret 366
Societies, sociology 306
Societies, theology 206
Societies, useful arts 606
Society 177
Sociology 300
Sociology biography of 923
Socratic philosophy 183
Soils 631
Solar system 523
Soldiers 355
Somnambulism 135
Songs 784
Sonnets 811, 821, etc.
Sophist philosophy 183
Sorcery 133
Soul 233
Sound 534
South Africa 968
botany 586
geography 916
South America 980
botany 588
customs and costumes 398
Savings banks 332
Saxon language 429
Saxons 943
Scandinavia 948
Scandinavian language 498
Scandinavian literature 898
Scepticism 211
Scholastic philosophy 198
Schools 378
Schools Sunday 268
School architecture 727
School houses 727
Schools of art 707
Schools of painting 753-756
Schopenhauer’s philosophy 193
Schleswig-Holstein 943
Science, Natural 500
biography of 925
Scientific societies 506
Scientific travels 508
Scotland 941
Scotch language 496
Scotch philosophy 192
Scriptures 220
Scrofulous diseases 616
Sculpture 730
Sculptors’ lives 927
Seamanship 656, 527
Secession 342
Second advent 236
Second sight 133
Secret societies 366
Sects, Christian 280
Secular education 377
Self-culture 374
Self-education 374
Semitic languages 493
Semitic literature 893
Sensation 152
Sensational psychology 145
Sense 152
Sepulchres 718
Sepulture 614
Sermons 252-259
Serpents 598
Servants 647
Servia 949
Sewerage 614
Sewing 687
Sewing machine 687
Sex in education 376
Sexual ethics 176
Sexual science 618
Sexes 136
Shades and shadows 744
Shakers 289
Shakesperiana 822
Sheep 636
Shells 594
Shells fossil 564
Shemitic languages 493
Ship-building 699
Ship-canals 626, 387
Shipping laws 346
Shoemaking 685, 675
Shooting 799
Short-hand 653
Shrubbery 716
Siam 959
Siberia 957
Sicily 945
Sick-room 649
Sieges 355, 623
Sight 536
Sight hygiene 613
Signals 654
Sign painting 698
Silk culture 638
Silk manufacture 677
Silk worm 638, 595
Silver metal 549
Silver mines 628
Silver money 332
Sin 233
Singing 784
Sisters of Mercy 362
Skating 796
Skepticism 211
Skin diseases 616
Skye 941
Slander 177, 345
Slang 427, 437, etc.
Slating 695
Slavery 326
Slavic language 497
Slavic literature 897
Sleep 135
Sleep walking 135
Small-pox 616, 614
Soap-making 664
Social ethics 177
Social science 300
Social worship 247
Socialisms 335
Societies, fine arts 706
Societies, general 60
Societies, history 906
Societies, literature 806
Societies, natural science 506
Societies, philology 406
Societies, philosophy 106
Societies, science 506
Societies, secret 366
Societies, sociology 306
Societies, theology 206
Societies, useful arts 606
Society 177
Sociology 300
Sociology biography of 923
Socratic philosophy 183
Soils 631
Solar system 523
Soldiers 355
Somnambulism 135
Songs 784
Sonnets 811, 821, etc.
Sophist philosophy 183
Sorcery 133
Soul 233
Sound 534
South Africa 968
botany 586
geography 916
South America 980
botany 588
customs and costumes 398