Pauperism 339
Pawnbroking 334
Peace and war 172
Pears 634
Peat 644
Pedobaptism 264
Peerage 322
Peloponnesus 938, 949
Penal law 345
Penance 244
Peninsular war 946
Penitentiaries 365
Penmanship 652
Pennsylvania 975
Pentateuch 222
Perception 152
Perfectionists 289
Perfumery 660, 646
Periodicals, see special subjects.
fine arts 705
general 50
history 905
literature 805
natural science 505
philology 405
philosophy 105
science 505
sociology 305
theology 205
useful arts 605
Perpetual motion 531
Persecutions 272
Persia, ancient history 935
Persia, modern history 955
Persian language 495
Personal liberty 342
Personal property 342
Personal rights 342
Perspective 742
Peru 985
Pests, agricultural 632
Petrifaction 560
Petroleum 549, 665
Pharmacopoeias 615
Pharmacy 615
Phi Beta Kappa 366
Philology 400
biography of 924
Philosophy 100
Philosophy ancient 180
biography of 921
Greek 180, 888
Latin 878
mental 150
modern 190
moral 170
natural 530
of art 701
history 901
language 401
literature 801
science 501
sociology 301
religion 201
useful arts 601
Phoenicia 939
Phoenician language 493
Phonetic short-hand 653
Phonetic spelling 421
Phonography 653
Phonology 414
Photographic chemistry 771
Photographs 773
Photography 770
Photo-lithography 775
Phrase-books, see Language.
Phrenology 139
Phthisis 616
Physical education 613
Physical geography 551
Physics 530
Physics molecular 539
Physiognomy 138
Physiography 551
Physiology 612
Physiology comparative 591
Physiology, mental 131
Physiology, vegetable 581
Piano-forte 786
Picture galleries 759
Piedmont 945
Pig 636
Piracy 345
Pisciculture 639
Plague 616, 614
Planets 523
Plans for building 692
Plants 580
landscape gardening 716
paleontology 561
Platonic philosophy 184
Platonists, new 186
Playing cards 795
Plays, see Drama 812, 792
Pleading 349
Plumbing 696
Plurality of worlds 521
Pneumatics 533
Pneumatology 150
Poetical books of Bible 223
Poetry 811
English 821
French 841
German 831
Greek 881
Italian 851
Latin 871
Spanish 861
Poets, lives 928
Poisons 615
Poland 949
Polar Regions, geography 919
Polar seas 998, 999
Police 354
Polish language 497
Politeness 177
Political associations 363
Political economy 330
Political essays 329
Political institutions 363
Political science 320
Political sermons 256
Political speeches 329
Polity, ecclesiastical 262
Polygamy 173, 345
Polygraphy 40
Polynesia, botany 589
customs and costumes 399
Pawnbroking 334
Peace and war 172
Pears 634
Peat 644
Pedobaptism 264
Peerage 322
Peloponnesus 938, 949
Penal law 345
Penance 244
Peninsular war 946
Penitentiaries 365
Penmanship 652
Pennsylvania 975
Pentateuch 222
Perception 152
Perfectionists 289
Perfumery 660, 646
Periodicals, see special subjects.
fine arts 705
general 50
history 905
literature 805
natural science 505
philology 405
philosophy 105
science 505
sociology 305
theology 205
useful arts 605
Perpetual motion 531
Persecutions 272
Persia, ancient history 935
Persia, modern history 955
Persian language 495
Personal liberty 342
Personal property 342
Personal rights 342
Perspective 742
Peru 985
Pests, agricultural 632
Petrifaction 560
Petroleum 549, 665
Pharmacopoeias 615
Pharmacy 615
Phi Beta Kappa 366
Philology 400
biography of 924
Philosophy 100
Philosophy ancient 180
biography of 921
Greek 180, 888
Latin 878
mental 150
modern 190
moral 170
natural 530
of art 701
history 901
language 401
literature 801
science 501
sociology 301
religion 201
useful arts 601
Phoenicia 939
Phoenician language 493
Phonetic short-hand 653
Phonetic spelling 421
Phonography 653
Phonology 414
Photographic chemistry 771
Photographs 773
Photography 770
Photo-lithography 775
Phrase-books, see Language.
Phrenology 139
Phthisis 616
Physical education 613
Physical geography 551
Physics 530
Physics molecular 539
Physiognomy 138
Physiography 551
Physiology 612
Physiology comparative 591
Physiology, mental 131
Physiology, vegetable 581
Piano-forte 786
Picture galleries 759
Piedmont 945
Pig 636
Piracy 345
Pisciculture 639
Plague 616, 614
Planets 523
Plans for building 692
Plants 580
landscape gardening 716
paleontology 561
Platonic philosophy 184
Platonists, new 186
Playing cards 795
Plays, see Drama 812, 792
Pleading 349
Plumbing 696
Plurality of worlds 521
Pneumatics 533
Pneumatology 150
Poetical books of Bible 223
Poetry 811
English 821
French 841
German 831
Greek 881
Italian 851
Latin 871
Spanish 861
Poets, lives 928
Poisons 615
Poland 949
Polar Regions, geography 919
Polar seas 998, 999
Police 354
Polish language 497
Politeness 177
Political associations 363
Political economy 330
Political essays 329
Political institutions 363
Political science 320
Political sermons 256
Political speeches 329
Polity, ecclesiastical 262
Polygamy 173, 345
Polygraphy 40
Polynesia, botany 589
customs and costumes 399