Hell 237
Heraclitic philosophy 182
Heraldry 929
Herbariums 582
Hermaphrodites 590, 612
Hermeneutics 220
Herpetology 598
Hieroglyphics 419
Higher education 373
Highwaymen 345
Histology 611
Historical books of Bible 222
Historical charts and tables 908
Historical geography 911
Historical societies 906
History 900
ancient 930-939
biography of 928
ecclesiastical 270
fine arts 709
geography 910
in Greek 889
in Latin 879
literature 809
modern 940-999
natural sciences 509
philology 409
philosophy 109
philosophy of 901
science 509
sociology 309
theology 209
universal 909
useful arts 609
Histrionics 792
Holy Land 933, 956
Home education 371, 374
Home missions 266
Homicide 345
Homiletics 251
Homoeopathy 615
Homologies 574
Honey 638
Horse 636, 599, 357, 619
Horse-racing 798
Horse-riding 798
Horse-shoeing 682
Horsemanship 798
Hortatory theology 243
Horticulture 635
Hospitals 361
Hotels 390
Hothouses 583, 635
House-keeping 640
Housewifery 640
Huguenots 289, 944
Human anatomy 611
Humane societies 361
Humor 818
English 828
French 848
German 838
Greek 887
Italian 858
Spanish 868
Hunting 799
Hurricanes 533
Husbandry 630
Hybridism 590
Hydraulic engineering 628
Hydraulics 532
Hydrodynamics 532
Hydrography 551, 627, 527
Hydromechanics 532
Hydropathy 615
Hydrophobia 614, 616
Hydrostatics 532
Hygiene 613
Hygiene mental 131
Hymnology 245
Hypochondria 132, 616
=Icebergs= 553
Iceland 948
Icelandic language 498
Ichnology 560
Ichthyology 597
Iconography 730
Idealistic psychology 141
Idiocy 132
Idolatry 290
Illumination 745
Imagination 156
Immersion 264, 286
Immigration 325
Immortality 218, 237
Imprisonment for debt 345
Incarnation 232
Income 333
Incunabula 23
India, ancient history 934
India, modern history 954
Indian language 494
Indian literature 894
Indiana 977
Indians, American 970
Indians, American language 499
India-rubber 675
Indoor amusements 793
Induction 161
Inductive logic 161
Industrial drawing 744
Industrial schools 607
Inebriate institutions 364
Infanticide 173, 345
Infantry 356
Infidelity 211
Inoculation 614, 615
Inorganic chemistry 546
Inquisition 272
Insane Hospitals 361
Insanity 132
Inscriptions 417
Insects 595
Inspiration 238
Instincts 158
Institute of France 64
Institutions 360
Institutions educational 378
Institutions Feudal 322
Institutions Monarchic 323
Institutions Musical 789
Institutions of religion 260
Institutions Patriarchal 321
Institutions Republican 324