Civil service organs 351
Civil service regulations 351
Civilization—progress 313
Clairvoyance 134
Classical education 375
Classics, Greek 488, 880
Classics, Latin 478, 870
Classification 112
Clergy, lives of 922
Climatology 551, 536
Clinics 610
Clock-making 681
Clothes-making 687
Clothing 646
Clubs 369
Coal 549, 644
Coast survey 622
Coats of arms 929
Cochin China 951
Co-education 376
Coffee 641, 633
Coinage 332
Coins 737
Coleoptera 595
Collections, art 708
drawing and design 749
engraving 769
painting 759
photography 779
sculpture 739
Collectors’ manuals 579
Colleges 378
Collieries 628
Colombia, S.A. 986
Colonies 325
Color 535
Colors, painting 752
Coloring 667
Comedy, see Drama.
Comets 523
Comic works, see Humor.
Commemorative sermons 259
Commentaries, Bible 220
Commentaries, law 340
Commerce 380
Commercial law 343
Common law 343
Common schools 372
Communication 380, 650
Communion 265
Communism 335
Comparative anatomy 591
Comparative mythology 291
Comparative philology 410
Compass 629, 538, 527
fine arts 702
history 902
literature 802
natural science 502
philology 402
philosophy 102
science 502
sociology 302
theology 202
useful arts 602
Composition 815
Composition of music 781
Comte’s philosophy 194, 145
Conchology 594
Concordances of Bible 220
Confectionery 642
Confessional 282
Congregationalism 285
Conic sections 515
Connecticut 974
Conscience 170, 233
Conservatories of music 789
Constitution, English 323
Constitution, United States 324
Constitutional law 342
Construction, architectural 721
Consuls 327
Consumption 616
Contagion 614
Contracts 343
Convents 362, 271
Conversation 177
Cookery 641
Co-operation 331
Copper 671, 549
Copper engraving 762
Coptic language 492
Copyright 343
Corals 593
Corea 959
Corn laws 347, 343
Cornices 721
Coroners 343
Corporal punishment 371
Corporations 360
Correction, houses of 364
Correlation of forces 530
Correspondence 816
Corsica 944
Cosmetics 646
Cosmogony 113
Cosmology 113
Cossacks 947
Costa Rica 979
Costumes 390
Cottages 728
Cotton manufactures 678
Cotton planting 633
Cotton trade 381, 382
Councils 262, 270
Courts martial 347
Cousin’s philosophy 194
Covenanters 274, 941
Cows 636, 637
Cranberries 634
Crayoning 741
Creation 213
Credit 334
Creeds 244, 280
Cremation 614, 390
Crete 949
Cricket 796
Crimea 947
Crimes and punishments 345
Criminal law 345
Critical psychology 142
Criticism—literary, see Essays.
Crocheting 793
Croquet 796
Civil service regulations 351
Civilization—progress 313
Clairvoyance 134
Classical education 375
Classics, Greek 488, 880
Classics, Latin 478, 870
Classification 112
Clergy, lives of 922
Climatology 551, 536
Clinics 610
Clock-making 681
Clothes-making 687
Clothing 646
Clubs 369
Coal 549, 644
Coast survey 622
Coats of arms 929
Cochin China 951
Co-education 376
Coffee 641, 633
Coinage 332
Coins 737
Coleoptera 595
Collections, art 708
drawing and design 749
engraving 769
painting 759
photography 779
sculpture 739
Collectors’ manuals 579
Colleges 378
Collieries 628
Colombia, S.A. 986
Colonies 325
Color 535
Colors, painting 752
Coloring 667
Comedy, see Drama.
Comets 523
Comic works, see Humor.
Commemorative sermons 259
Commentaries, Bible 220
Commentaries, law 340
Commerce 380
Commercial law 343
Common law 343
Common schools 372
Communication 380, 650
Communion 265
Communism 335
Comparative anatomy 591
Comparative mythology 291
Comparative philology 410
Compass 629, 538, 527
fine arts 702
history 902
literature 802
natural science 502
philology 402
philosophy 102
science 502
sociology 302
theology 202
useful arts 602
Composition 815
Composition of music 781
Comte’s philosophy 194, 145
Conchology 594
Concordances of Bible 220
Confectionery 642
Confessional 282
Congregationalism 285
Conic sections 515
Connecticut 974
Conscience 170, 233
Conservatories of music 789
Constitution, English 323
Constitution, United States 324
Constitutional law 342
Construction, architectural 721
Consuls 327
Consumption 616
Contagion 614
Contracts 343
Convents 362, 271
Conversation 177
Cookery 641
Co-operation 331
Copper 671, 549
Copper engraving 762
Coptic language 492
Copyright 343
Corals 593
Corea 959
Corn laws 347, 343
Cornices 721
Coroners 343
Corporal punishment 371
Corporations 360
Correction, houses of 364
Correlation of forces 530
Correspondence 816
Corsica 944
Cosmetics 646
Cosmogony 113
Cosmology 113
Cossacks 947
Costa Rica 979
Costumes 390
Cottages 728
Cotton manufactures 678
Cotton planting 633
Cotton trade 381, 382
Councils 262, 270
Courts martial 347
Cousin’s philosophy 194
Covenanters 274, 941
Cows 636, 637
Cranberries 634
Crayoning 741
Creation 213
Credit 334
Creeds 244, 280
Cremation 614, 390
Crete 949
Cricket 796
Crimea 947
Crimes and punishments 345
Criminal law 345
Critical psychology 142
Criticism—literary, see Essays.
Crocheting 793
Croquet 796