the more sheltered side. Now, as all these reefs
are situated within the region in which the trade-winds
prevail, it follows that, on the north side of the
equator, where the trade-wind is a north-easterly
wind, the opening of the reef is on the south-west
side: while in the southern hemisphere, where
the trade-winds blow from the south-east, the opening
lies to the north-west. The curious practical
result follows from this structure, that the lagoons
of these reefs really form admirable harbours, if
a ship can only get inside them. But the main
difference between the encircling reefs and the atolls,
on the one hand, and the fringing reefs on the other,
lies in the fact of the much greater depth of water
on the seaward faces of the former. As a consequence
of this fact, the whole of this face is not, as it
is in the case of the fringing reef, covered with
living coral polypes. For, as we have seen, these
polypes cannot live at a greater depth than about
twenty-five fathoms; and actual observation has shown
that while, down to this depth, the sounding-lead
will bring up branches of live coral from the outer
wall of such a reef, at a greater depth it fetches
to the surface nothing but dead coral and coral sand.
We must, therefore, picture to ourselves an atoll,
or an encircling reef, as fringed for 100 feet, or
more, from its summit, with coral polypes busily engaged
in fabricating coral; while, below this comparatively
narrow belt, its surface is a bare and smooth expanse
of coral sand, supported upon and within a core of
coral limestone. Thus, if the bed of the Pacific
were suddenly laid bare, as was just now supposed,
the appearance of the reef-mountains would be exactly
the reverse of that presented by many high mountains
on land. For these are white with snow at the
top, while their bases are clothed with an abundant
and gaudily-coloured vegetation. But the coral
cones would look grey and barren below, while their
summits would be gay with a richly-coloured parterre
of flower-like coral polypes.
The practical difficulties of sounding upon, and of
bringing up portions of, the seaward face of an atoll
or of an encircling reef, are so great, in consequence
of the constant and dangerous swell which sets towards
it, that no exact information concerning the depth
to which the reefs are composed of coral has yet been
obtained. There is no reason to doubt, however,
that the reef-cone has the same structure from its
summit to its base, and that its sea-wall is throughout
mainly composed of dead coral.
And now arises a serious difficulty. If the coral
polypes cannot live at a greater depth than 100 or
150 feet, how can they have built up the base of the
reef-cone, which may be 2,000 feet, or more, below
the surface of the sea?
In order to get over this objection, it was at one
time supposed that the reef-building polypes had settled
upon the summits of a chain of submarine mountains.
But what is there in physical geography to justify
the assumption of the existence of a chain of mountains
stretching for 1,000 miles or more, and so nearly of
the same height, that none should rise above the level
of the sea, nor fall 150 feet below that level?