A Girl of the Limberlost eBook

Gene Stratton Porter
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 464 pages of information about A Girl of the Limberlost.

A Girl of the Limberlost eBook

Gene Stratton Porter
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 464 pages of information about A Girl of the Limberlost.

“Will it go?” asked Billy, “or do we have to turn it?”

“It will go,” said Terry as the machine gently slid out into the avenue and started under his guidance.

“This is no warpath!” scoffed Billy.  “We got to go a lot faster than this, and we got to whoop.  Alice, why don’t you whoop?”

Alice arose, took hold of the seat in front and whooped.

“If I open the throttle, I can’t squeeze the bulb to scare people out of our way,” said Terry.  “I can’t steer and squeeze, too.”

“We’ll whoop enough to get them out of the way.  Go faster!” urged Billy.

Billy also stood, lifted his chin and whooped like the wildest little savage that ever came out of the West.  Alice and Little Brother added their voices, and when he was not absorbed with the steering gear, Terry joined in.

“Faster!” shouted Billy.

Intoxicated with the speed and excitement, Terry threw the throttle wider and the big car leaped forward and sped down the avenue.  In it four black, feather-bedecked children whooped in wild glee until suddenly Terry’s war cry changed to a scream of panic.

“The lake is coming!”

“Stop!” cried Billy.  “Stop!  Why don’t you stop?”

Paralyzed with fear Terry clung to the steering gear and the car sped onward.

“You little fool!  Why don’t you stop?” screamed Billy, catching Terry’s arm.  “Tell me how to stop!”

A bicycle shot beside them and Freckles standing on the pedals shouted:  “Pull out the pin in that little circle at your feet!”

Billy fell on his knees and tugged and the pin yielded at last.  Just as the wheels struck the white sand the bicycle sheered close, Freckles caught the lever and with one strong shove set the brake.  The water flew as the car struck Huron, but luckily it was shallow and the beach smooth.  Hub deep the big motor stood quivering as Freckles climbed in and backed it to dry sand.

Then he drew a deep breath and stared at his brood.

“Terence, would you kindly be explaining?” he said at last.

Billy looked at the panting little figure of Terry.

“I guess I better,” he said.  “We were playing Indians on the warpath, and we hadn’t any ponies, and Terry said it was all the style to go in automobiles now, so we——­”

Freckles’s head went back, and he did some whooping himself.

“I wonder if you realize how nearly you came to being four drowned children?” he said gravely, after a time.

“Oh, I think I could swim enough to get most of us out,” said Billy.  “Anyway, we need washing.”

“You do indeed,” said Freckles.  “I will head this procession to the garage, and there we will remove the first coat.”  For the remainder of Billy’s visit the nurse, chauffeur, and every servant of the O’More household had something of importance on their minds, and Billy’s every step was shadowed.

“I have Billy’s consent,” said Philip to Elnora, “and all the other consent you have stipulated.  Before you think of something more, give me your left hand, please.”

Project Gutenberg
A Girl of the Limberlost from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.