Indian Nullification of the Unconstitutional Laws of Massachusetts Relative to the Marshpee Tribe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 186 pages of information about Indian Nullification of the Unconstitutional Laws of Massachusetts Relative to the Marshpee Tribe.

Indian Nullification of the Unconstitutional Laws of Massachusetts Relative to the Marshpee Tribe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 186 pages of information about Indian Nullification of the Unconstitutional Laws of Massachusetts Relative to the Marshpee Tribe.

I now inquired what provision could be made for me, if I should consent to their wishes.  They answered that their means were small, but that they would provide a house for me to live in, and do what they could for my support.  I said that, knowing their poverty, I did not expect much, and gave them to understand that I could dig, and fish, and chop wood, and was willing to do what I could for myself.  The subject of religious instruction was then discussed, and the inquiry was made, what should be done with their poor, blind brother, (who was then absent among another sect.) I answered that I was very willing, to unite my labours with his, as there was plenty of work for both of us; and that had I but half a loaf of bread, I would gladly divide it with him.  It was then agreed that we should unite, and journey together on the road toward heaven.

The case Of Mr. Fish was next laid before the council, and Complaints were made, that he had neglected his duty; that he did not appear to care for the welfare of the tribe, temporal or spiritual; that he had never visited some of the brethren at all, and others only once in five or seven years; that but eight or ten attended his preaching; that his congregation was composed of white people, to whom his visits were mostly confined, and that it seemed that all he appeared to care for was to get a living, and make as much as he could out of the Indians, who could not see any reason to think him their friend.  It was, therefore, agreed to discharge him, and three papers were draughted accordingly.  One was a petition to the Governor and Council, a second to the Corporation of Harvard College; the first complaining against the Overseers, and the laws relating to the tribe; and the second against the missionary set over them by Harvard College and the Overseers.  The third document was a statement of my adoption into the tribe, and was signed by all present, and subsequently by others, who were not present, but were equally desirious of securing their rights.  It was as follows,

    To all whom it may concern, from the beginning of the world
    up to this time, and forever more

Be it known, that we, the Marshpees, now assembled in the presence of God, do hereby agree to adopt the Rev. William Apes, of the Pequod tribe, as one of ours.  He, and his wife, and his two children, and those of his descendants, forever, are to be considered as belonging to the Marshpee tribe of Indians.  And we solemly avow this, in the presence of God, and of one another, and do hereby attach our names to the same, that he may take his seat with us and aid us in our affairs.  Done at the Council House in Marshpee, and by the authority of the same, May 21st, 1833.

        EbenezerAttaquin, President.

        IsraelAmos, Secretary.

To this instrument there are about a hundred signatures, which were affixed to the other papers above mentioned also.  The resolutions which were sent to the two bodies were these: 

Project Gutenberg
Indian Nullification of the Unconstitutional Laws of Massachusetts Relative to the Marshpee Tribe from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.