Indian Nullification of the Unconstitutional Laws of Massachusetts Relative to the Marshpee Tribe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 186 pages of information about Indian Nullification of the Unconstitutional Laws of Massachusetts Relative to the Marshpee Tribe.

Indian Nullification of the Unconstitutional Laws of Massachusetts Relative to the Marshpee Tribe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 186 pages of information about Indian Nullification of the Unconstitutional Laws of Massachusetts Relative to the Marshpee Tribe.

Mr. Cobb said that he had agreed to exchange with Mr. Fish, on the Sabbath following, but as it was inconvenient for him to do so, he would give me a line to him.  With this furtherance I set forward, and arrived at Mr. FISH’s house before sunset, informing those I met on the way that I intended to preach on the next day, and desiring them to advise others accordingly.  When I made my business known to Mr. Fish, he treated me with proper kindness, and invited me to preach for him.  When I awoke in the morning, I did not forget to return thanks to God for his fatherly protection during the night, and for preserving me in health and strength, to go through the duties of the day.  I expected to meet some hundreds of the tribe, and to hear from their lips the sweet song of salvation which should prepare their minds for the words of life, to be delivered by one of the humblest servants of God.  I hoped that grace might be given to me to say something to my poor brethren that might be for their advantage in time and eternity; after which I thought I should see their faces no more.  I looked to see them thronging around their missionary in crowds, and waited for this agreeable sight with great anxiety.

The time appointed for the service was half past ten.  When it arrived, we got into our carriages and proceeded to the Meeting-house, which was about two miles and a half distant.  The sacred edifice stood in the midst of a noble forest, and seemed to be about a hundred years old; circumstances which did not render its appearance less interesting.  Hard by was an Indian burial ground, overgrown with pines, in which the graves were all ranged North and South.  A delightful brook, fed by some of the sweetest springs in Massachusetts, murmured beside it.  After pleasing my eyes with this charming landscape, I turned to meet my Indian brethren and give them the hand of friendship; but I was greatly disappointed in the appearance of those who advanced.  All the Indians I had ever seen were of a reddish color, sometimes approaching a yellow; but now, look to what quarter I would, most of those who were coming were pale faces, and, in my disappointment, it seemed to me that the hue of death sat upon their countenances.  It seemed very strange to me that my brethren should have changed their natural color, and become in every respect like white men.  Recovering a little from my astonishment, I entered the house with the missionary.  It had the appearance of some ancient monument set upon a hill-top, for a landmark to generations yet unborn.  Could Solomon’s temple have been set beside it, I think no one would have drawn an architectural comparison.  Beautiful as this place was, we had little time to admire it; something more solemn demanded our attention.  We were to prepare ourselves for a temple more splendid than ever was built by hands.  When the congregation were seated, I arose and gave out the psalm.  I now cast my eyes at the gallery, that I might see

Project Gutenberg
Indian Nullification of the Unconstitutional Laws of Massachusetts Relative to the Marshpee Tribe from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.