The Mettle of the Pasture eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 289 pages of information about The Mettle of the Pasture.

The Mettle of the Pasture eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 289 pages of information about The Mettle of the Pasture.

When they had finished breakfast and came out into the hall.  Dent paused at one of the parlor doors.

“Mother” he said simply, “come into the parlor a moment, will you?  And Rowan, I should like to see you also.”

They followed him with surprise and all seated themselves.

“Mother,” he said, addressing Her with a clear beautiful light in his gray eyes, yet not without the reserve which he always felt and always inspired, “I wish to tell you that I am engaged to Pansy Vaughan.  And to tell you also, Rowan.  You know that I finish college this year; she does also.  We came to an understanding yesterday afternoon and I wish you both to know it at once.  We expect to be married in the autumn as soon as I am of age and a man in my own right.  Mother, Pansy is coming to see you; and Rowan, I hope you will go to see Pansy.  Both of you will like her and be proud of her when you know her.”

He rose as though he had rounded his communication to a perfect shape.  “Now I must get to my work.  Good morning,” and with a smile for each he walked quietly out of the room.  He knew that he could not expect their congratulations at that moment and that further conference would be awkward for all.  He could merely tell them the truth and leave the rest to the argument of time.

“But I cannot believe it, Rowan!  I cannot!”

Mrs. Meredith sat regarding’ her elder son with incredulity and distress.  The shock of the news was for certain reasons even greater to him; so that he could not yet command himself sufficiently to comfort her.  After a few moments she resumed:  “I did not know that Dent had begun to think about girls.  He never said so.  He has never cared for society.  He has seemed absorbed in his studies.  And now—­Dent in love.  Dent engaged, Dent to be married in the autumn—­why, Rowan, am I dreaming, am I in my senses?  And to this girl!  She has entrapped him—­poor, innocent, unsuspecting Dent!  My poor, little, short-sighted bookworm.”  Tears sprang to her eyes, but she laughed also.  She had a mother’s hope that this trouble would turn to comedy.  She went on quickly:  “Did you know anything about this?  Has he ever spoken to you about it?”

“No, I am just as much surprised.  But then Dent never speaks in advance.”

She looked at him a little timidly:  “I thought perhaps it was this that has been troubling you.  You have been trying to hide it from me.”

He dropped his eyes quickly and made no reply.

“And do you suppose he is in earnest, Rowan?”

“He would never jest on such a subject.”

“I mean, do you think he knows his own mind?”

“He always does.”

“But would he marry against my wishes?”

“He takes it for granted that you will be pleased:  he said so.”

“But how can he think I’ll be pleased?  I have never spoken to this girl in my life.  I have never seen her except when we have passed them on the turnpike.  I never spoke to her father but once and that was years ago when he came here one cold winter afternoon to buy a shock of fodder from your father.”

Project Gutenberg
The Mettle of the Pasture from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.