Bataille de dames eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 130 pages of information about Bataille de dames.

Bataille de dames eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 130 pages of information about Bataille de dames.

#troubler; se ——­#, be perplexed, be agitated.

#troupe#, f., troop.

#trouvaille#, f., “find,” discovery.

#trouver#, find; #se ——­#, feel.

#tuer#, kill.


#un, -e#, one.

#uniforme#, f., uniform; #grande ——­#, parade uniform, “full fig.”

#uniquement#, solely, only.

#unir#, unite, combine.

#user#, make use of, wear out.

#utile#, useful.


#va#, see #aller#.

#vague#, vague, misty.

#vaincre#, conquer.

#vais#, see #aller#.

#valet#, m.; #——­ de chambre#, house servant.

#valoir#, be worth; p.43, l.17, gain.

#vanite#, f., vanity.

#vanter#, boast; #se ——­#, boast.

#vaut#, see #valoir#.

#veiller#, watch, guard.

#veine#, f., vein.

#vendeen#, inhabitant of Vendee.

#venger#, avenge; #se ——­#, avenge oneself.

#venir#, come; #——­ de# (with infinitive), have just; #en ——­ a#, come to, get at.

#verifier#, examine.

#veritable#, real.

#verite#, f., truth.

#verrai#, etc., #verrais#, etc., see #voir#.

#vers#, toward.

#vers#, m., verse.

#verve#, f., dash, animation; #mettre en ——­#, put on one’s mettle.

#vetement#, m. (pl.), clothing.

#veuille, veuillez, veulent, veut, veux#, see #vouloir#.

#victoire#, f., victory.

#vie#, f., life.

#vieillard#, m., old man.

#vieille#, see #vieux#.

#vienne, viennent, vient#, see #venir#.

#vieux, vieille#, old.

#vif, vive#, lively, quick; alive.

#ville#, f., city; p.29, l.19, town.

#vigueur#, f., vigor.

#vingt#, twenty; #——­ cinq#, twenty-five.

#vis#, see #voir#.

#visage#, m., face.

#vis-a-vis#, opposite; #——­ de#, opposite; p.44, l.13, in regard to; #lui faire ——­#, p.37, l.4, stand opposite to him.

#visite#, f., visit.

#visiter#, p.34, l.14, search.

#vite#, quick, quickly.

#vivacite#, f., vivacity.

#vivant, -e#, living.

#vive!# long live!

#vivement#, with animation, eagerly.

#vivre#, live.

#voeu#, m., wish, prayer.

#voici#, see here; here is or are.

#voie#, see #voir#.

#voila#, see there; there is or are; that’s it; #——­ qu’est#, that is.

#voile#, m., veil.

#voir#, see.

#voisin#, m., neighbor.

#voisin, -e#, nearby; p.72, l.1, next.

Project Gutenberg
Bataille de dames from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.