Bataille de dames eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 130 pages of information about Bataille de dames.

Bataille de dames eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 130 pages of information about Bataille de dames.

#tenter#, tempt, attempt.

#terme#, m., end, term.

#terminer#, end, finish.

#terre#, f., earth, land, ground.

#terreur#, f., terror, fear.

#terrible#, terrible, dreadful.

#tete#, f., head.

#theatre#, m., theater, stage.

#theorie#, f., theory.

#tiens, tient, tiennent#, see #tenir#.

#tige#, f., stem.

#timbre, -e#, postmarked.

#timide#, timid.

#tirer#, pull out; #——­ sur#, fire on; #se ——­ de#, get out, get off.

#titre#, m., title; #a ——­ de#, p.43, l.25, because (you were).

#toiture#, f., roofing.

#tomber#, fall.

#ton#, m., tone, style.

#tort#, wrong; #avoir ——­#, be wrong; #avoir des ——­s avec#, p.33, l.18, have wronged.

#tot#, soon, early; #au plus ——­#, p.29, l.7, as soon as possible.

#touchant, -e#, moving, touching.

#toujours#, always, still, anyway.

#tour#, m., turn; #——­ a ——­#, p. 60, l.4, in turn.

#tourbillon#, m., whirl.

#tourmenter#, trouble.

#tourner#, turn; #se ——­#, turn.

#tous#, see #tout#.

#tousser#, cough.

#tout, toute, tous, toutes#, all, each, every; #du ——­#, p.10, l.20; not at all; #tous# or #toutes deux#, both.

#tout#, quite, entirely, just; #——­ en#, while; #——­ a coup#, suddenly; #——­ a fait#, quite, wholly, certainly; #——­ de suite#, at once; #——­ a l’heure#, just now, soon.

#trace#, f.; #sur la ——­#, on the track.

#tracer#, trace, write.

#tragedie#, f., tragedy.

#trahir#, betray.

#trahison#, f., betrayal, treason.

#trainer#, drag.

#trait#, m., feature, trait, arrow; #——­ de lumiere#, p.85, l.23, flash of light.

#traiter#, deal, treat.

#traitre#, m., traitor.

#tranquille#, still, quiet, at ease.

#tranquillement#, calmly.

#transporter#, transport.

#travailler#, work.

#travers; a ——­#, through.

#traverser#, pass through; p.39, l.3, cross over (in dancing).

#treize#, thirteen.

#trembler#, tremble.

#trentaine#, f.; #une ——­#, about thirty.

#trente#, thirty.

#tres#, very.

#tressaillir#, quiver, tremble.

#triompher#, triumph.

#tristesse#, f., melancholy.

#trois#, three.

#tromper#, deceive; #se ——­#, be mistaken.

#trop#, too, too much, too many; very; p.59, l.18, quite.

#trouble#, f., disturbance; p.24, l.29 and p.67, l.3, agitation; p.27, l.10, embarrassment.

Project Gutenberg
Bataille de dames from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.