#tenter#, tempt, attempt.
#terme#, m., end, term.
#terminer#, end, finish.
#terre#, f., earth, land, ground.
#terreur#, f., terror, fear.
#terrible#, terrible, dreadful.
#tete#, f., head.
#theatre#, m., theater, stage.
#theorie#, f., theory.
#tiens, tient, tiennent#, see #tenir#.
#tige#, f., stem.
#timbre, -e#, postmarked.
#timide#, timid.
#tirer#, pull out; #—— sur#, fire on; #se —— de#, get out, get off.
#titre#, m., title; #a —— de#, p.43, l.25, because (you were).
#toiture#, f., roofing.
#tomber#, fall.
#ton#, m., tone, style.
#tort#, wrong; #avoir ——#, be wrong; #avoir des ——s avec#, p.33, l.18, have wronged.
#tot#, soon, early; #au plus ——#, p.29, l.7, as soon as possible.
#touchant, -e#, moving, touching.
#toujours#, always, still, anyway.
#tour#, m., turn; #—— a ——#, p. 60, l.4, in turn.
#tourbillon#, m., whirl.
#tourmenter#, trouble.
#tourner#, turn; #se ——#, turn.
#tous#, see #tout#.
#tousser#, cough.
#tout, toute, tous, toutes#, all, each, every; #du ——#, p.10, l.20; not at all; #tous# or #toutes deux#, both.
#tout#, quite, entirely, just; #—— en#, while; #—— a coup#, suddenly; #—— a fait#, quite, wholly, certainly; #—— de suite#, at once; #—— a l’heure#, just now, soon.
#trace#, f.; #sur la ——#, on the track.
#tracer#, trace, write.
#tragedie#, f., tragedy.
#trahir#, betray.
#trahison#, f., betrayal, treason.
#trainer#, drag.
#trait#, m., feature, trait, arrow; #—— de lumiere#, p.85, l.23, flash of light.
#traiter#, deal, treat.
#traitre#, m., traitor.
#tranquille#, still, quiet, at ease.
#tranquillement#, calmly.
#transporter#, transport.
#travailler#, work.
#travers; a ——#, through.
#traverser#, pass through; p.39, l.3, cross over (in dancing).
#treize#, thirteen.
#trembler#, tremble.
#trentaine#, f.; #une ——#, about thirty.
#trente#, thirty.
#tres#, very.
#tressaillir#, quiver, tremble.
#triompher#, triumph.
#tristesse#, f., melancholy.
#trois#, three.
#tromper#, deceive; #se ——#, be mistaken.
#trop#, too, too much, too many; very; p.59, l.18, quite.
#trouble#, f., disturbance; p.24, l.29 and p.67, l.3, agitation; p.27, l.10, embarrassment.