Bataille de dames eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 130 pages of information about Bataille de dames.

Bataille de dames eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 130 pages of information about Bataille de dames.

#recommandation#, f., recommendation.

#reconnaissance#, f., gratitude.

#reconnaitre#, recognize, admit.

#reconnu#, see #reconnaitre#

#recu#, see #recevoir#.

#redescendre#, come down or back.

#redoutable#, redoubtable, dreaded.

#redouter#, fear.

#reel, -le#, real.

#reellement#, really.

#refuser#, refuse.

#regard#, m., look.

#regarder#, look at, look, concern.

#regime#, m., treatment, method.

#regret#, m., sorrow.

#rejoindre#, rejoin.

#rejoui, -e#, amused.

#relever#, raise; #se ——­#, rise.

#remarquer#, remark.

#remerciement#, m., thanks.

#remercier#, thank.

#remettre#, hand over; p.15, l.8, give back; #se ——­#, p.67, l.4, compose oneself.

#remis#, see #remettre#.

#remise#, f., carriage house.

#remonter#, mount; p.17, l.5, come up; #——­ la scene# or #le theatre#, go to the rear of the stage.

#remords#, m., remorse.

#remplir#, fill, fulfill.

#renaitre#, be born again, rise again.

#rencontrer#, meet.

#rendez-vous#, m., meeting (prearranged).

#rendre#, render, make, express, give back.

#renfermer#, shut up.

#renseignement#, m., information.

#rentrer#, return.

#renvoyer#, send away, discharge.

#reparer#, repair.

#reparaitre#, reappear.

#repartir#, leave again, go back.

#repeter#, repeat.

#repondre#, reply; #——­ de#, p.71, l.6, answer for.

#reponse#, f., reply.

#reposer#, rest; #se ——­#, rely.

#repousser#, push back, repel.

#reprendre#, take back, resume; #se ——­#, correct oneself; #——­ ses sens#, recover consciousness.

#representer#, represent.

#reprimer#, repress, check.

#reproche#, f., reproof.

#reprocher#, p.22, l.24, reproach with.

#republique#, f., republic.

#requete#, f., position; #maitre des ——­s#, referendary.

#resistance#, f., resistance.

#resister#, resist.

#resolu, -e#, resolute; see #resoudre#.

#resolument#, boldly, resolutely.

#resoudre#, resolve.

#respectueusement#, respectfully.

#respirer#, breathe.

#ressemblant, -e#, similar, like.

#ressembler#, resemble.

#ressens#, see #ressentir#.

#ressentir#, feel.

#resserrer; se ——­#, p.67, l.32, narrow.

#ressortir#, come out; #faire ——­#, p.34, l.18, set off.

#ressource#, f., resource.

Project Gutenberg
Bataille de dames from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.