#gouvernement#, m., government.
#grace#, f., grace, thanks, pardon, mercy; #de ——#, please, for mercy’s sake! #an de ——#, A.D.
#gracier#, pardon.
#grand, -e#, great, tall; p.14, l.30, full.
#grave#, serious.
#gravement#, seriously.
#gronder#, scold.
#grossi-er, -ere#, coarse, rude.
#gueridon#, m., centre table.
#guerir#, heal, be healed, get well.
#guerre#, f., war.
#guetter#, lie in wait for, watch.
#guide#, f. pl., p.64, l.31, reins (in driving).
#habile#, adroit, clever, sharp.
#habilete#, f., skill, ability.
#habit#, m., coat; #—— de cheval#, riding habit.
#habitant#, m., p.26, l.27, pl., people.
#haie#, f., hedge.
#hardiment#, boldly.
#hater; se ——#, hurry, hasten.
#haut, -e#, high, loud, aloud.
#hein#, well! what now? p.7. l.28, look!
#helas#, oh! alas!
#heroique#, heroic.
#heroisme#, m., heroism.
#heros#, m., hero.
#hesiter#, hesitate.
#heure#, f., hour; #tout a l’——#, just now, pretty soon, by and by, presently; #a la bonne ——#, well! well done! good! indeed!
#heureu-x, -se#, happy, fortunate.
#heureusement#, fortunately.
#hier#, yesterday.
#homme#, m., man; #——de peine#, laborer.
#honneur#, m., honor.
#honoraires#, m. pl., fees, compensation.
#honte#, f., shame; #avoir ——#, be ashamed.
#Horace#, Horatius.
#horreur#, f., horror.
#hors de#, besides, outside.
#hote#, m. and f., host; p.16, l.3, guest.
#huit#, eight; #—— jours#, a week.
#humeur#, f., vexation; #avec# or #d’——#, vexed, irritated.
#ici#, here; #d’——#, from henceforth; #d’—— a peu de temps#, p.68, l.1, before long; #par ——#, p.65, l.29, this way.
#idee#, f., idea.
#identite#, f., identity.
#ignorer#, not know, be ignorant of.
#imaginer#, imagine.
#imbecile#, stupid.
#imiter#, imitate.
#immobile#, motionless.
#impatienter; s’——#, become impatient.
#implorer#, implore.
#importance#, f.; #se donner de l’——#, p.4, l.12, put on airs.
#importer#, be of consequence, be of interest, matter; #n’importe#, p.30, l.4, never mind.
#importun, -e#, inopportune, irksome.
#importuner#, annoy, incommode.
#importunite#, importunity, persistence.
#imprevu, -e#, unforeseen.