#cher, chere#, dear.
#chercher#, look for, search; try.
#cheval#, m., (pl. #chevaux#), horse; p. 48, l.11, #a ——!#, mount!
#chevaleresque#, chivalrous.
#chevalet#, m., easel.
#cheveu#, m., (pl. #cheveux#), hair.
#chevreuil#, m., squirrel; [**Transcriber’s note: this is wrong!! A “chevreuil” is a roe deer.**] #bois des ——s#, p.8, l.26, Squirrel Grove.
#chez#, at the house of, at (one’s) home; within.
#chiffre#, m., figure, number.
#choisir#, choose.
#choix#, m., choice; #—— de termes#, p.9, l.7, refined language.
#chose#, f., thing, matter.
#ciel#, m., heaven, Heavens! p.36, l.3, sky.
#cinquante-cinq#, fifty-five.
#citadelle#, f., citadel.
#citer#, quote.
#clair, -e#, clear, light.
#classe#, f., class, social order, “set.”
#clemence#, f., clemency, mercy.
#cocher#, m., coachman.
#coeur#, m., heart, feeling.
#coiffure#, f., head dress (of hair).
#colere#, f., anger.
#collet#, m., collar.
#combattre#, fight.
#combien de#, how much, how many.
#comble#, m., height, top; p.54, l.14, pl., garret, under the rafters, #pour ——#, as a climax.
#combler#, overwhelm.
#comedie#, f., comedy.
#commandant#, m., major.
#commander#, order, be in command of.
#comme#, like, as, as well as, how, what a!
#commencement#, m., beginning.
#commencer#, begin.
#comment#, how.
#commettre#, commit.
#commis#, see commettre.
#commun, -e#, common.
#compagnie#, f., company, society.
#compagnon#, m., companion.
#complet, -ete#, complete.
#complice#, m., accomplice.
#complot#, m., plot.
#comprenais#, etc., #comprenant#, see #comprendre#.
#comprendre#, understand.
#compromettant, -e#, compromising.
#compte#, f., account.
#compter#, count.
#comte#, m., count.
#comtesse#, f., countess.
#concevoir#, conceive, understand.
#concois#, see #concevoir#.
#condamnation#, f., sentence, condemnation.
#condamner#, sentence, condemn.
#conduire#, lead, take, drive (horses).
#conduisant#, see #conduire#.
#confiance#, f., confidence.
#confier#, intrust, confide.
#confondre#, blend.
#conjurer#, conjure, dispel.