Bataille de dames eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 130 pages of information about Bataille de dames.

Bataille de dames eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 130 pages of information about Bataille de dames.

#cacher#, hide.

#cachot#, m., cell, prison.

#cadet, -te#, younger (son or daughter).

#cajolerie#, f., coaxing.

#calcul#, m., calculation, reckoning.

#caleche#, f., open carriage.

#calme#, m., calm;
  #du ——­#, p. 39, l. 17, show self control.

#calmer; se ——­#, be calm, control oneself.

#campagne#, f., campaign (war); open country.

#canape#, m., sofa.

#candeur#, f., frankness.

#cantabile#, m., piece of vocal music (Italian).

#capitaine#, m., captain.

#car#, for.

#carabinier#, m., carabineer (soldier armed with a carbine for scouting service).

#caractere#, m., character.

#carnet#, m., note book.

#categorique#, absolute, explicit.

#cause#, f., cause;
  #a ——­ de#, on account of; p. 44, l. 19,
  #bonne ——­#, i.e. the Legitimist Monarchy.

#causer#, cause, talk.

#cavalier#, m., rider, gentleman, partner (in dancing).

#ce, cette#, this, that, it.

#Cecile#, f., Cecilia.

#cela#, this, that, it.

#celui, celle, ceux, celles#, this one, that one, he, she, they, these, those;
  #celle-ci#, this one, she here.

#cependant#, yet, however.

#cercle#, m., circle.

#ceremonie#, f., ceremony.

#certainement#, certainly.

#certitude#, f., certainty.

#cesse#, f.,
  #sans ——­#, constantly.

#cesser#, stop.

#chacun, -e#, each, everyone.

#chagrin#, m., vexation, regret.

#chaise#, f., chair.

#chaleur#, f., warmth; #avec ——­#, eagerly.

#chambre#, f., chamber, p.61, l. 11,. room.

#champetre; bal ——­#, rural festival.

#changeant, -e#, changeable.

#change#, m., #donner le ——­#, p.67,
, put off the scent (hunting).

#changer (de)#, change.

#chant#, m., song, singing.

#chanter#, sing.

#chapeau#, m., hat.

#chapitre#, m., chapter.

#chaque#, each.

#charger#, commission.

#charmant, -e#, charming; p.78, l.32, a pretty notion!

#charme#, attraction, charm.

#chasser#, hunt, discharge (of servants).

#chateau#, m., manor house, country seat;
  #——­ en Espagne#, air castle.

#chaud, -e#, warm.

#chavirer#, capsize.

#chef#, m., head, leader.

#chemin#, m., road; p.93, l.3, #——­ faisant#, on the way.

#cheminee#, f., chimney, fire place mantlepiece.

Project Gutenberg
Bataille de dames from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.