#bat, bats#, see #battre#.
#bataille#, f., battle.
#battre#, beat.
#beau, bel, belle#, fair, beautiful;
#avoir ——#, see
#beaucoup#, much, many.
#beni, -e#, blessed.
#benir#, bless.
#besoin#, m., need.
#betement#, stupidly.
#bien#, well, very well; surely, really, indeed, of
course; right,
in order, proper; however; p. 28, l. 21, well
liked; p. 11,
l. 11, nicely;
#en ——#, p. 92, l.
27, for good;
#eh ——#, well! well?
#c’est ——#, all
right, that will do;
#voudrais ——#, should
#bienfaitrice#, f., benefactress.
#bienheureu-x, -se#, happy, fortunate, blissful; p. 34, l. 28, blessed.
#bien-ne#, of good family.
#bienveillant#, well disposed, kindly.
#billet#, m., note.
#blamer#, blame.
#blan-c, -che#, white.
#blesser#, wound, hurt.
#blessure#, f., wound.
#boire#, drink.
#bois#, m., wood, p. 61, l. 14, trees.
#bois, boit#, see #boire#.
#bon, -ne#, good.
#bonapartiste#, Bonapartist.
#bonheur#, m., happiness;
#quel ——!# how fortunate!
#bonhomie#, f., good humor.
#bonjour#, m., good day! good morning!
#bonte#, f., goodness, kindness.
#bord#, m., side, party; p. 92, l. 9, front.
#bouche#, f., mouth.
#bouquet#, m., bouquet, bunch of flowers;
#—— de bois#, clump
of trees.
#bourgeois, -e#, civilian;
#en —#, p. 69, l. 19,
in citizens’ dress.
#bourse#, f., purse.
#bout#, m., end.
#brancard#, m., stretcher, litter.
#branche#, f., branch.
#bras#, m., arm.
#brava!# f., good! (Italian).
#brave#, good, brave.
#braver#, dare.
#bravo!# m., good! (Italian).
#brigadier#, m., sergeant.
#brillant, -e#, lustrous, brilliant.
#bruit#, m., sound, rumor, publicity;
#sans ——#, p. 78,
l. 29, unostentatiously.
#brulant, -e#, ardent.
#bruler#, burn, be on fire, be eager.
#brusquement#, abruptly.
#Bucephale#, m., Bucephalus.
#buisson#, m., shrubbery, bushes.
#but#, m., end, purpose; p. 66, l. 6,
#dans quel ——#, what
#ca#, see #cela#.
#ca; ah ——#, p. 16, l. 14, come now! p. 45, l. 8, by the way; p. 67, l. 28, really now!
#cabaler#, intrigue.