Bataille de dames eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 130 pages of information about Bataille de dames.

Bataille de dames eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 130 pages of information about Bataille de dames.

#bat, bats#, see #battre#.

#bataille#, f., battle.

#battre#, beat.

#beau, bel, belle#, fair, beautiful;
  #avoir ——­#, see #avoir#.

#beaucoup#, much, many.

#beni, -e#, blessed.

#benir#, bless.

#besoin#, m., need.

#betement#, stupidly.

#bien#, well, very well; surely, really, indeed, of course; right,
in order, proper; however; p. 28, l. 21, well liked; p. 11,
l. 11,
  #en ——­#, p. 92, l. 27, for good;
  #eh ——­#, well! well?
  #c’est ——­#, all right, that will do;
  #voudrais ——­#, should like.

#bienfaitrice#, f., benefactress.

#bienheureu-x, -se#, happy, fortunate, blissful; p. 34, l. 28, blessed.

#bien-ne#, of good family.

#bienveillant#, well disposed, kindly.

#billet#, m., note.

#blamer#, blame.

#blan-c, -che#, white.

#blesser#, wound, hurt.

#blessure#, f., wound.

#boire#, drink.

#bois#, m., wood, p. 61, l. 14, trees.

#bois, boit#, see #boire#.

#bon, -ne#, good.

#bonapartiste#, Bonapartist.

#bonheur#, m., happiness;
  #quel ——!# how fortunate!

#bonhomie#, f., good humor.

#bonjour#, m., good day! good morning!

#bonte#, f., goodness, kindness.

#bord#, m., side, party; p. 92, l. 9, front.

#bouche#, f., mouth.

#bouquet#, m., bouquet, bunch of flowers;
  #——­ de bois#, clump of trees.

#bourgeois, -e#, civilian;
  #en —­#, p. 69, l. 19, in citizens’ dress.

#bourse#, f., purse.

#bout#, m., end.

#brancard#, m., stretcher, litter.

#branche#, f., branch.

#bras#, m., arm.

#brava!# f., good! (Italian).

#brave#, good, brave.

#braver#, dare.

#bravo!# m., good! (Italian).

#brigadier#, m., sergeant.

#brillant, -e#, lustrous, brilliant.

#bruit#, m., sound, rumor, publicity;
  #sans ——­#, p. 78, l. 29, unostentatiously.

#brulant, -e#, ardent.

#bruler#, burn, be on fire, be eager.

#brusquement#, abruptly.

#Bucephale#, m., Bucephalus.

#buisson#, m., shrubbery, bushes.

#but#, m., end, purpose; p. 66, l. 6,
  #dans quel ——­#, what for.


#ca#, see #cela#.

#ca; ah ——­#, p. 16, l. 14, come now! p. 45, l. 8, by the way; p. 67, l. 28, really now!

#cabaler#, intrigue.

Project Gutenberg
Bataille de dames from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.