#as#, m., ace (at cards).
#as#, see #avoir#.
#ascendant#, m., ascendancy.
#asile#, m., asylum, refuge.
#asseoir; s’——#, sit, be seated.
#asseyez#, see #asseoir#.
#assez#, enough.
#assied, assis#, see #asseoir#.
#assister (a)#, attend, be present at.
#assoie#, see #asseoir#.
#assurer#, assure.
#attacher#, attach.
#attaquer#, attack, p. 34, l. 31, begin to sing.
#atteindre#, reach, strike, attain.
#atteler#, harness (horses).
#attendant; en ——#, meanwhile;
#en —— que#, until.
#attendre#, wait, await;
#s’—— a#, expect.
#attirail#, m., p. 46, l. 2, train.
#au-devant de#, in front of.
#aucun,-e#, anyone, some one;
#ne ... ——#, no one,
none, not any.
#audace#, f., assurance, audacity.
#aujourd’hui#, today;
#d’——#, p.
16, l. 2, today.
#auparavant#, before; p. 36, l. 27, first.
#aupres de#, near, with.
#aurai#, etc., #aurais#, etc., see #avoir#.
#aussi#, also, and so;
#—— ... que#, as ...
#aussitot#, immediately;
#—— que#, as soon as.
#autant#, as much, as well; the same.
#autour de#, around, about.
#autre#, other.
#avance#, f., advance;
#d’——#, in advance.
#avancer#, bring up;
#s’——#, come forward.
#avant#, before.
#avec#, with.
#avenir#, m., future;
#a l’——#, hereafter.
#aventure#, f., adventure.
#aversion#, f., dislike, aversion.
#avertir#, inform, give notice.
#aveu#, m., admission, confession.
#avis#, m., opinion, notice.
#avoir#, have;
#y ——#, be, be the matter;
#—— besoin de#, be in
need of, want to;
#—— peur#, be afraid;
#—— raison#, be right;
#—— tort#, be wrong;
#—— beau# (with infinitive),
in vain (with finite verb).
#avouer#, acknowledge, confess.
#ayant#, see #avoir#.
#azalea#, f., azalea.
#bah!# pooh! really!
#baiser#, kiss.
#baiser#, m., kiss.
#baisser#, lower, cast down (eyes).
#bal#, m., ball (dancing).
#balle#, f., ball, bullet.
#bander#, bandage.
#barbe#, f., beard:
#a ma ——#, under my
#barque#, f., boat.
#bas, -se#, low; p. 16, l. 4,
#au —— du perron#, at
the foot of the steps.