Bataille de dames eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 130 pages of information about Bataille de dames.

Bataille de dames eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 130 pages of information about Bataille de dames.

#as#, m., ace (at cards).

#as#, see #avoir#.

#ascendant#, m., ascendancy.

#asile#, m., asylum, refuge.

#asseoir; s’——­#, sit, be seated.

#asseyez#, see #asseoir#.

#assez#, enough.

#assied, assis#, see #asseoir#.

#assister (a)#, attend, be present at.

#assoie#, see #asseoir#.

#assurer#, assure.

#attacher#, attach.

#attaquer#, attack, p. 34, l. 31, begin to sing.

#atteindre#, reach, strike, attain.

#atteler#, harness (horses).

#attendant; en ——­#, meanwhile;
  #en ——­ que#, until.

#attendre#, wait, await;
  #s’——­ a#, expect.

#attirail#, m., p. 46, l. 2, train.

#au-devant de#, in front of.

#aucun,-e#, anyone, some one;
  #ne ... ——­#, no one, none, not any.

#audace#, f., assurance, audacity.

#aujourd’hui#, today;
  #d’——­#, p. 16, l. 2, today.

#auparavant#, before; p. 36, l. 27, first.

#aupres de#, near, with.

#aurai#, etc., #aurais#, etc., see #avoir#.

#aussi#, also, and so;
  #——­ ... que#, as ... as.

#aussitot#, immediately;
  #——­ que#, as soon as.

#autant#, as much, as well; the same.

#autour de#, around, about.

#autre#, other.

#avance#, f., advance;
  #d’——­#, in advance.

#avancer#, bring up;
  #s’——­#, come forward.

#avant#, before.

#avec#, with.

#avenir#, m., future;
  #a l’——­#, hereafter.

#aventure#, f., adventure.

#aversion#, f., dislike, aversion.

#avertir#, inform, give notice.

#aveu#, m., admission, confession.

#avis#, m., opinion, notice.

#avoir#, have;
  #y ——­#, be, be the matter;
  #——­ besoin de#, be in need of, want to;
  #——­ peur#, be afraid;
  #——­ raison#, be right;
  #——­ tort#, be wrong;
  #——­ beau# (with infinitive), in vain (with finite verb).

#avouer#, acknowledge, confess.

#ayant#, see #avoir#.

#azalea#, f., azalea.


#bah!# pooh! really!

#baiser#, kiss.

#baiser#, m., kiss.

#baisser#, lower, cast down (eyes).

#bal#, m., ball (dancing).

#balle#, f., ball, bullet.

#bander#, bandage.

#barbe#, f., beard: 
  #a ma ——­#, under my nose.

#barque#, f., boat.

#bas, -se#, low; p. 16, l. 4,
  #au ——­ du perron#, at the foot of the steps.

Project Gutenberg
Bataille de dames from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.