exchange of portraits
Melbourne, Lord, his family, Landor on
Member of Congress
“Memories, Palace of,” verses by my first wife
Menage and Menagerie
“Mercato in,” Italian phrase
Merimee, M.
Messenger, King’s
Metternich, influence of, on my mother
Princess, influence of
Mezzeria system in Tuscany
Michael Angelo, his figure representing the Apennine
Michael Armstrong, novel by my mother
Mignaty, Signora
Mignaty, Signor
Mignet, M.
Milan, Scientific Congress at
Milk not used by Tuscans
Milman, Landor breakfasts with
Lander’s criticism on
quits incumbency at Reading
Minerva Hotel, Rome, Lewes’s at
Mitford, Mary
her personal appearance
letters from
her handwriting
an aristocratic Whig
remarks on Owen, of Lanark
and Captain Polhill
her opera
on writing in magazines
her hopes for her tragedy
her hatred of puffery
anxious to go to London for the performance of Talfourd’s Ion
necessity for travelling with a maid
her father
her cousins
writes a novel for Saunders and Ottley
her belief in sympathies
opinions on Austria
admiration for Gothic architecture
purposes a novel on Reading Abbey
her Country Stories
her admiration for Miss Barrett
her garden
sends wild flowers to the Sedgwicks
Carey, translator of Dante, visits her
her “gush”
Misericordia, the Florentine
origin of
dress of
members of
proceedings of
anecdotes of
Modena, frontier line between it and Lucca
political feeling at
under the Este dukes
“Modern Antiques” in Our Village
Mohl, Jules, at Madame Recamier’s
anecdote told by
his great work
character of
Madam, life of, by K. O’Meara
note from
Monasteries, sites of
Monday Popular Concerts, at the
Monmouth, Deputy Lieutenantcy of
Montalembert, Dickens’s remarks on
Mont Cenis, crossing in February
Moore, Thomas, Landor on
Monthlies, writing in, Mary Mitford on
Moses, Landor on
Mountains, last look on the
Movement of mind towards Conservatism
Mowatt, Mrs.
Mozzi family at Florence
Mulgrave, Lady
Municipality, Florentine, place a tablet to the memory of my first wife
Municipalities, rivalry between
Murder at Florence, anecdote of a
Murder, singular method of
Murray, John, of Albemarle Street
Museum, National, at Pesth
Museum, British, George Eliot reading at
Musgraves of Edenhall
Sir George
and the Holy Well
and Longfellow
walks with
Mutton, no more good
Melbourne, Lord, his family, Landor on
Member of Congress
“Memories, Palace of,” verses by my first wife
Menage and Menagerie
“Mercato in,” Italian phrase
Merimee, M.
Messenger, King’s
Metternich, influence of, on my mother
Princess, influence of
Mezzeria system in Tuscany
Michael Angelo, his figure representing the Apennine
Michael Armstrong, novel by my mother
Mignaty, Signora
Mignaty, Signor
Mignet, M.
Milan, Scientific Congress at
Milk not used by Tuscans
Milman, Landor breakfasts with
Lander’s criticism on
quits incumbency at Reading
Minerva Hotel, Rome, Lewes’s at
Mitford, Mary
her personal appearance
letters from
her handwriting
an aristocratic Whig
remarks on Owen, of Lanark
and Captain Polhill
her opera
on writing in magazines
her hopes for her tragedy
her hatred of puffery
anxious to go to London for the performance of Talfourd’s Ion
necessity for travelling with a maid
her father
her cousins
writes a novel for Saunders and Ottley
her belief in sympathies
opinions on Austria
admiration for Gothic architecture
purposes a novel on Reading Abbey
her Country Stories
her admiration for Miss Barrett
her garden
sends wild flowers to the Sedgwicks
Carey, translator of Dante, visits her
her “gush”
Misericordia, the Florentine
origin of
dress of
members of
proceedings of
anecdotes of
Modena, frontier line between it and Lucca
political feeling at
under the Este dukes
“Modern Antiques” in Our Village
Mohl, Jules, at Madame Recamier’s
anecdote told by
his great work
character of
Madam, life of, by K. O’Meara
note from
Monasteries, sites of
Monday Popular Concerts, at the
Monmouth, Deputy Lieutenantcy of
Montalembert, Dickens’s remarks on
Mont Cenis, crossing in February
Moore, Thomas, Landor on
Monthlies, writing in, Mary Mitford on
Moses, Landor on
Mountains, last look on the
Movement of mind towards Conservatism
Mowatt, Mrs.
Mozzi family at Florence
Mulgrave, Lady
Municipality, Florentine, place a tablet to the memory of my first wife
Municipalities, rivalry between
Murder at Florence, anecdote of a
Murder, singular method of
Murray, John, of Albemarle Street
Museum, National, at Pesth
Museum, British, George Eliot reading at
Musgraves of Edenhall
Sir George
and the Holy Well
and Longfellow
walks with
Mutton, no more good