“Contadini,” Tuscan
Convocation, Dickens on
Copper mine near Volterra
Coquerel, Athanase, his preaching
Corinne, a new
Cornhill Magazine
Cornish jury, verdict of
Correggio, book on, by Signor Mignaty
Correspondence of London paper
Country Stories, Mary Mitford’s
Court Supreme, American judge, story of the
Cousin, his philosophy obsolete
Covent Garden Theatre, Mary Mitford’s play at
Cowley, Lord, ambassador in Paris
Cowley, Lady, as ambassadress
Cowper’s home at Olney, Mary Mitford on
Cramer, John
Crazy Jane, authoress of
Crime almost unknown in Grandducal Florence
Croce, Santa, church of, in Florence and Mr. Sloane
Cross, Mr., his Life of George Eliot
Cruikshank and Lady Bulwer
Curwen, Mr., flooding of his mine
Dalling, Lord, at Paris
at Florence
Dall’ Ongaro, the Poet
Dante, his portrait at Florence
Deak, Pulszky’s visits to
Deans, cousins of Mary Mitford
Death in the street at Florence, anecdote of
Death of Lewes’s son
Deathbeds, taste for, George Eliot’s
Decade of Italian Women, my book on
Decade, last of life
how to enjoy the
Decision, a momentous
her letters to my mother, et seq.
at Tuileries ball
her death
“Dehors Trompeurs, les;” Mdlle. Mars
Democrat Le, French newspaper anecdote of
Departure of the Duke from Florence
Deputies, Chamber of, opening of in 1840
at the
Desk, writing, standing at
Devonshire farmer, a
De Whelpdale, Lord of Manor Penrith
Dexter, Arthur, of Boston
Dialect, Florentine
anecdote of lady speaking
Dialect, provincial, as read by Tennyson
Dialect, George Eliot on use of
Dibden, Dr.
his preaching
Dickens, Charles, first meeting with
personal appearance of in early youth
was near-sighted
his manner
his so-called exaggerations
his character
his opinions on Italy
on public schools
letters from
on conversation
on Gibson the sculptor
on Italian political situation
on Louis Napoleon
on Home the Medium
introduces me to my first wife
on the general elections
on the House of Commons
on the English Church
on my brothers standing for Beverley
last letter from
Dinner, going with glee to
Director of Museum, Pesth
Disaffection in Tuscany, beginning of
Doherty, John,
Doney’s coffee-house at Florence
Don Giovanni, Protestant,
Douarnenez, sardine fishing, etc
Doubt of death
Doyle, Sir F., his reminiscences
Dramatic College, Royal, Dickens at
Dresden as a residence
Drinking-song, sung by Mr. Du Maurier
Duel at Baths of Lucca,
Du Maurier, Mrs.
Du Maurier, Mr. and Mrs.
Dupin, at the Chamber
Dupin and Lady Bulwer
Dyer, Lady
Sir Thomas
Dymock, Champion, at Florence