A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 625 pages of information about A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents.

A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 625 pages of information about A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents.


WASHINGTON, December 8, 1841.

To the House of Representatives of the United States

I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of the Treasury, exhibiting certain transfers of appropriations which have been made in that Department in pursuance of the power vested in the President of the United States by the act of Congress of the 3d of March, 1809, entitled “An act further to amend the several acts for the establishment and regulation of the Treasury, War, and Navy Departments.”


WASHINGTON, December 29, 1841.

To the Senate of the United States

I herewith transmit to the Senate a report[15] from the Secretary of
State, in answer to their resolution of the 27th instant.


[Footnote 15:  Stating that no proposition has been made by either the United States or Great Britain relative to the mutual right of search.]

WASHINGTON, January 4, 1842.

To the House of Representatives of the United States

I herewith communicate a report and statement from the Secretary of State, in answer to a resolution of the House of the 19th of June, 1841, requesting the aggregate amount of each description of persons within the several districts of the United States by counties and principal towns.


WASHINGTON, January 10, 1842.

To the Senate of the United States

I transmit to the Senate, for its consideration with a view to ratification, a convention between the United States and the Republic of Peru, signed at Lima on the 17th of March last, providing for the adjustment and satisfaction of certain claims of citizens of the United States against the Government of that Republic.

For the purpose of acquainting the Senate with the nature and amount of those demands and with the course of the negotiation, I also communicate a copy of such parts of the correspondence of the agents of the two Governments as relate thereto.


WASHINGTON, January 17, 1842.

To the Senate of the United States

I transmit to the Senate a report from the Secretary of State, relative to the proceedings and final decision of the commissioners under the convention with the Republic of Texas upon the subject of the boundary between the United States and that Republic.


[The same message was sent to the House of Representatives.]

WASHINGTON, January 18, 1842.

To the House of Representatives

I transmit to the House of Representatives, in answer to the resolution of the 14th instant, a report[16] from the Secretary of State and the papers by which it was accompanied.


[Footnote 16:  Relating to American citizens captured near Santa Fe, Mexico, by the Mexican army.]

Project Gutenberg
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.