Speaker of the House of Representatives.
President of the Senate pro tempore.
WASHINGTON, December 26, 1843.
To the Senate of the United States:
I transmit herewith a communication from the War Department, containing all the information and correspondence in that Department “on the subject of the ‘mountain howitzer’ taken by Lieutenant Fremont on the expedition to the Oregon” [Territory], as requested by the resolution of the Senate of the 18th instant.
WASHINGTON, D.C., December 27, 1843.
To the Senate of the United States:
I lay before the Senate a convention for the settlement of the claims of the citizens and Government of the Mexican Republic against the Government of the United States and of the citizens and Government of the United States against the Government of the Mexican Republic, signed in the City of Mexico on the 20th of last month.
I am happy to believe that this convention provides as fully as is practicable for the adjustment of all claims of our citizens on the Government of Mexico. That Government has thus afforded a gratifying proof of its promptness and good faith in observing the stipulation of the sixth article of the convention of the 30th of January last.
WASHINGTON, January 8, 1844.
To the Senate of the United States:
I herewith transmit a report[94] made by the Secretary of the Navy in pursuance of the provisions of the act of the 3d March, 1843.
[Footnote 94: Transmitting abstracts of proposals made to the Navy Department and its several bureaus.]
WASHINGTON, January 10, 1844.
To the House of Representatives:
I transmit the accompanying letter[95] from the Secretary of State, and copy of a correspondence between that officer and the minister from Portugal near this Government, to which I invite the attention of Congress.
[Footnote 95: Relating to the duties levied on the wines of Portugal and its possessions by tariff acts of the United States in violation of the treaty of August 26, 1840.]
WASHINGTON, January 16, 1844.
To the House of Representatives of the United States:
In answer to the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 10th instant, requesting the President to communicate to that body “copies of all correspondence with any foreign government relative to the title, boundary, discovery, and settlement of the Territory of Oregon,” I have to state that the information called for by the House has been already from time to time transmitted to Congress, with the exception of such correspondence as has been held within the last few months between the Department of State and our minister at London; that there is a prospect of opening a negotiation on the subject of the northwestern boundary of the United States immediately after the arrival at Washington of the newly appointed British minister, now daily expected; and that under existing circumstances it is deemed inexpedient, with a view to the public interest, to furnish a copy of the correspondence above mentioned.