A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 625 pages of information about A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents.

A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 625 pages of information about A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents.
where Mr. Lally’s line diverged to the southwest.  The newly engaged hands and the detachment on its return both reached the camp on the Abagusquash on the 19th of September.  On the 21st, all arrangements having been completed, Mr. H.B.  Renwick, leaving the assistant commissary with only one man in the stationary camp, set off toward the head of Rimouski.  This course was pursued for six days, when it became necessary to return for want of provisions, and the stationary camp was reached on the 2d October.  On this expedition the line of exploration made in June up the Rimouski was intersected and the ground traversed in July and August seen and connected with the survey, but it was found impossible to penetrate along the height of land on the western side of Rimouski to its head.  On reaching the camp snow began to fall, and the thermometer marked 18 deg. in the morning.  All further operations for the season in this direction were therefore at an end.  A portion of the line which divides the waters falling into the St. John from those falling into the St. Lawrence remained in consequence unsurveyed.  It can not, however, be said to be absolutely unexplored, for it was seen from the eastern side of Rimouski, presenting the appearance of a range of hills at least as elevated as any on the boundary.

18.  Mr. Lally having received a fresh supply of barometers on the evening of the 23d, resumed his survey of the height of land on the 25th September, and reached the camp of the commissary on Mount Biort on the 2d October, having surveyed and leveled the intermediate dividing ridge.  The party of H.B.  Renwick descended the Abagusquash and Tuladi, and, crossing Lake Temiscouata, reached the same rendezvous on the 5th October.  The interval was spent by Mr. Lally’s party in clearing a space for a panoramic view on the summit of Mount Biort.

19.  The commissioner, having superintended in person the equipment and embarkation of the parties of Messrs. H.B.  Renwick and Lally on Lake Temiscouata, returned to the river Du Loup for the purpose of making astronomic observations.  These being completed, he visited and conferred with the parties of his colleague, A. Talcott, esq., on their way to the height of land southeast of Kamouraska.  Here he made arrangements for the junction of the two lines on the Temiscouata portage.  He then proceeded to the camp of the commissary on Mount Biort, and there made provision for the completion of the residue of the line in the vicinity of the portage.  He also selected points of view for the use of the daguerreotype and camera lucida, and, being unable to do any more on the ground for the furtherance of the objects of his appointment, returned to New York, taking with him the earlier records of the field operations for the purpose of organizing the office work.

Project Gutenberg
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.