A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 625 pages of information about A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents.

A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 625 pages of information about A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents.

At each angle of deflection an iron monument was erected, and placed anglewise with the line.  Other monuments were erected at the crossing of roads, rivers, and at every mile, commencing from the source of the St. Croix.  Those which were not intended to mark angles of deflection were placed square with the line.

At the intersection of the St. John by the north line the river is deep and broad.  The boundary runs up the middle of the channel of the river, as indicated by the maps, dividing the islands as follows: 

No. 1.   Ryan’s Island................................  United States. 
No. 2.   King’s Island................................  United States. 
No. 3.   Les Trois Isles..............................  United States. 
No. 4.   La Septieme Isle.............................  United States. 
No. 5.   Quissibis....................................  Great Britain. 
No. 6.   La Grand Isle................................  United States. 
No. 7.   Thibideau’s Islands..........................  United States. 
No. 8.   Madawaska Islands............................  Great Britain. 
No. 9.   Joseph Michaud’s three islands...............  United States. 
No. 10.  Pine Island..................................  Great Britain. 
No. 11.  Baker’s }
Turtle  }
Dagle’s } islands ...........................  Great Britain. 
Fourth  }
Fifth   }
No. 12.  Kennedy’s Island.............................  Great Britain. 
No. 13.  Crock’s    }
Cranberry  } islands.........................  Great Britain. 
Gooseberry }
No. 14.  Savage’s Island..............................  United States. 
No. 15.  Wheelock’s Island............................  United States. 
No. 16.  Caton’s Island...............................  United States. 
No. 17.  Honeywell’s Island...........................  United States. 
No. 18.  Savage and Johnson’s Island..................  United States. 
No. 19.  Grew’s Island................................  United States. 
No. 20.  Kendall’s Island.............................  Great Britain.

The islands were distributed to Great Britain or to the United States, as they were found to be on the right or left of the deep channel.  There was but one doubtful case, La Septieme Isle, and that was apportioned to the United States because the majority of the owners were ascertained to reside on the United States side of the river.

Monuments were erected upon the islands, marking them for Great Britain or the United States, as the case may have been.

After leaving the St. John the boundary enters the St. Francis, dividing the islands at the mouth of that river in the manner shown in the maps.  It then runs up the St. Francis, through the middle of the lakes upon it, to the outlet of Lake Pohenagamook, the third large lake from the mouth of the river.  At the outlet a large monument has been erected.

In order to determine the point on the Northwest Branch to which the treaty directed that a straight line should be run from the outlet of Lake Pohenagamook, a survey of that stream was made, and also of the main St. John in the neighborhood of the mouth of the Northwest Branch, and a line was cut between the St. John and the point on the Northwest Branch ascertained by the survey to be 10 miles in the nearest direction from it, and the distance was afterwards verified by chaining.

Project Gutenberg
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.