brothers of, 126.
SWAN KNIGHT. Lohengrin the, 203.
SWE’DEN. Eadgils king of, 19;
part of Wilkina land, 121;
Viking in, 247;
Svithiod same as, 274.
SWEDES. Beowulf conquers, 12.
SWE’DISH. Writers, 246;
princess, Hunvor a, 247;
king, Eystein the, 276.
SWEM’MEL. Hungarian minstrel, 74.
SWIN’BURNE, 204, 234.
SWORDS. See Naegeling, Nagelring, Mimung,
Eckesax, Joyeuse, Durandana,
Altecler, Flamberge, Excalibur,
Angurvadel, Tizona, Colada.
SYR’I-A. Ortnit’s journey to, 95.
TAN’TRIS. Same as Tristan, 238.
TA-RAS-CO’NI-A. Iwo prince of, 156.
TARN’KAP-PE. Siegfried and, 55, 60;
Laurin and, 119.
TCHIO-NA-TU-LAN’DER. And Sigune, 188;
Parzival to avenge, 191;
shrine of, 195.
TEG-NER’. Writings of, 246, 267.
TEM’PLARS Guardians of Holy Grail called, 186;
divine guidance of, 187;
anticipation of, 189;
disappointment of, 199;
customs of, 202;
renown of, 301.
TEN’NY-SON, 204.
TEU-TON’IC. Cycle, 301.
THAMES. Brutus visits the, 309.
THE-OD’O-RIC. Of Verona, same as Dietrich
of Bern, no, 127;
tomb of, 128.
THE-OD-O-RI’CUS. And Roland at Roncesvalles,
146, 147.
THE’SEUS. Adventures of, 249.
THES-SA-LO-NI’CA. Walgundof, 100;
Hugdietrich at, IOO;
Berchther at, 101.
THIE’DRIC. Roland’s squire, 148.
THING. Convoked by Hygd, 18;
Beowulf elected by, 19;
Bele convokes, 252;
Ragnar recognized by, 270.
THO’RA. Daughter of Jarl Herrand, 271;
Ragnar rescues and marries, 272;
sons and death of, 272.
THO’RER. Son of Viking, 249.
THOR’STEN. I. Saga, 246.
II. Son of Viking, receives Angurvadel,
shipwrecks of, 250;
marriage and conquests of,
at Framnaes, 251;
father of Frithiof, 251, 260,
last interview with Bele,
death and burial of, 252.
THU’RI-SIND. King of Gepidae, 86:
granddaughter of, 87.
TIN-TA’GEL. In Cornwall, Gorlois lord of,
Uther’s secret visit to, 209;
Mark at, 235;
Tristan at, 236;
Iseult to go to, 240.
TI-TA’NI-A. Queen of the fairies, 175;
carries off Huonet, 176;
restored to Oberon’s favor, 179.
TIT’U-REL. And the Holy Grail, 182-203;
Von Eschenbach’s poem of, 182;
birth of, 185;
vision of, 185;
sees Holy Grail, 186;
builds temple, 186;
guardian of Holy Grail, 187;
children of, 188;
intercedes for Amfortas, 189;
crowns Parzival, 200;
disappearance of, 200.
TI-TU’RI-SONE. Pilgrimage of, 185.
TI’TUS. Disease of, 183;
miraculous cure of, 184.