Legends of the Middle Ages eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 462 pages of information about Legends of the Middle Ages.

Legends of the Middle Ages eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 462 pages of information about Legends of the Middle Ages.
SWAN’HILD.  Daughter of Siegfried and Kriemhild, death of, 123;
  brothers of, 126. 
SWAN KNIGHT.  Lohengrin the, 203. 
SWE’DEN.  Eadgils king of, 19;
  part of Wilkina land, 121;
  Viking in, 247;
  Svithiod same as, 274. 
SWEDES.  Beowulf conquers, 12. 
SWE’DISH.  Writers, 246;
  princess, Hunvor a, 247;
  king, Eystein the, 276. 
SWEM’MEL.  Hungarian minstrel, 74. 
SWIN’BURNE, 204, 234. 
SWORDS.  See Naegeling, Nagelring, Mimung,
  Eckesax, Joyeuse, Durandana,
  Altecler, Flamberge, Excalibur,
  Angurvadel, Tizona, Colada
SYR’I-A.  Ortnit’s journey to, 95.

TAN’TRIS.  Same as Tristan, 238. 
TA-RAS-CO’NI-A.  Iwo prince of, 156. 
TARN’KAP-PE.  Siegfried and, 55, 60;
  Laurin and, 119. 
TCHIO-NA-TU-LAN’DER.  And Sigune, 188;
  Parzival to avenge, 191;
  shrine of, 195. 
TEG-NER’.  Writings of, 246, 267. 
TEM’PLARS Guardians of Holy Grail called, 186;
  divine guidance of, 187;
  anticipation of, 189;
  disappointment of, 199;
  customs of, 202;
  renown of, 301. 
TEN’NY-SON, 204. 
TEU-TON’IC.  Cycle, 301. 
THAMES.  Brutus visits the, 309. 
THE-OD’O-RIC.  Of Verona, same as Dietrich of Bern, no, 127;
  tomb of, 128. 
THE-OD-O-RI’CUS.  And Roland at Roncesvalles, 146, 147. 
THE’SEUS.  Adventures of, 249. 
THES-SA-LO-NI’CA.  Walgundof, 100;
  Hugdietrich at, IOO;
  Berchther at, 101. 
THIE’DRIC.  Roland’s squire, 148. 
THING.  Convoked by Hygd, 18;
  Beowulf elected by, 19;
  Bele convokes, 252;
  Ragnar recognized by, 270. 
THOM’AS, LORD, 245. 
THO’RA.  Daughter of Jarl Herrand, 271;
  Ragnar rescues and marries, 272;
  sons and death of, 272. 
THO’RER.  Son of Viking, 249. 
THOR’STEN.  I. Saga, 246. 
  II.  Son of Viking, receives Angurvadel, 249;
    shipwrecks of, 250;
    marriage and conquests of, 250;
    at Framnaes, 251;
    father of Frithiof, 251, 260, 261;
    last interview with Bele, 252;
    death and burial of, 252. 
THU’RI-SIND.  King of Gepidae, 86: 
  granddaughter of, 87. 
TIN-TA’GEL.  In Cornwall, Gorlois lord of, 209;
  Uther’s secret visit to, 209;
  Mark at, 235;
  Tristan at, 236;
  Iseult to go to, 240. 
TI-TA’NI-A.  Queen of the fairies, 175;
  carries off Huonet, 176;
  restored to Oberon’s favor, 179. 
TIT’U-REL.  And the Holy Grail, 182-203;
  Von Eschenbach’s poem of, 182;
  birth of, 185;
  vision of, 185;
  sees Holy Grail, 186;
  builds temple, 186;
  guardian of Holy Grail, 187;
  children of, 188;
  intercedes for Amfortas, 189;
  crowns Parzival, 200;
  disappearance of, 200. 
TI-TU’RI-SONE.  Pilgrimage of, 185. 
TI’TUS.  Disease of, 183;
  miraculous cure of, 184. 

Project Gutenberg
Legends of the Middle Ages from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.