NEN’NI-US. Writes romances, 204, 307.
NES’TOR. Naismes de Baviere like, 144.
NETH’ER-LANDS. Reynard in the, 35;
kingdom of the, 54.
NEW TROY. Same as London, 309.
NI’BE-LUNG-EN. Hoard, 55, 63, 70, 77, 127;
land, 55, 61, 64.
Gudrun alluded to in, 22;
Germany’s greatest epic, 53;
end of, 85;
incidents in, 126, 242.
NI’BE-LUNGS. Treasure of, 53;
followers of Siegfried, 61;
Brunhild escorted by, 62;
guard Siegfried’s son, 64;
mourning and wrath of, 69;
Burgundians called, 75;
fall of, 126.
NIC-O-DE’MUS. Slain by Jews, 183.
NJOR’FE. King of Uplands, friend of Viking and Halfdan, 248;
sons of attack Viking’s sons, 249.
NO’BEL. King of the animals, 36;
anger of against Reynard, 37;
Brown returns to, 41;
Reynard before, 43;
hears of treasure, 45;
pardons Reynard, 46;
discovers Lampe’s murder, 47.
NON’NEN-WORTH. Hildegarde retires to convent of, 150;
Roland lingers near, 151.
NOR’MAN-DY. Ludwig king of, 28;
Gudrun taken to, 29;
Ortwine comes to, 32;
Rollo settles in, 280.
NOR’MANS. Conquer England, 9;
pursued by Hegelings, 29;
and Hegelings, 32;
invade Paris, 138;
strategy of, 277;
defeated by Ella, 279;
found Lunduna Burg, 280.
NORNS. Frithiof’s vision of, 267.
NORSE. Origin of Gudrun, 22;
literary treasures, 246.
NORSE’MEN. Tristan and the, 235, 236.
NORTH. Literary treasures of, 246;
gods and heroes of, 246;
Thorsten owner of great treasures of, 251.
NORTH CAPE. Discovered by Othere, 18.
NORTH-GAL’LIS. Queen of, 232.
NORTH’MEN. Kidnap Tristan, 235.
NOR-THUM’BER-LAND. Ella king of, 278.
NOR’WAY. Wilkina land is, 121;
ships from, 235;
Halogaland in, 246;
Uplands in, 248;
Ringrie in, 255;
Ragnar’s sojourn in, 271.
NU’DUNG. Son of Ruediger, death of, 126.
O’BE-RON. I. Poem by Wieland, and opera
by Weber, 163.
II. King of fairies, 163;
Huon sees, 166;
magic horn of, 167;
gives horn and goblet to Huon,
ring of, 169;
shelters Huon, and sends Malebron
to his aid, 170;
Rezia’s vision of, 171;
promises aid to Huon and Rezia,
comes to Huon’s aid,
warns Oberon, 174;
Huon disobeys, 175;
Titania and, 175, 176, 179;
Huon rescued by, 178, 181;
brings Huon to fairyland,
179, 181;
Julius Caesar father of, 210.
O’DA. Daughter of Constantine, 89;
Rother wooes and wins, 89-93;
kidnaped by magician, 93;
Rother rescues, 94;
Helche daughter of, 94.
O’DEN-WALD. Death of Siegfried in the,
67, 71.
O-DI’LI-A. Wife of Dietmar, 110.
O’DIN. Hrothgar a descendant of, 9;
Skeaf sent by, 10;