Legends of the Middle Ages eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 462 pages of information about Legends of the Middle Ages.

Legends of the Middle Ages eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 462 pages of information about Legends of the Middle Ages.
  rescues Guinevere, 221, 226, 229;
  sees Holy Grail, 221, 226;
  knights Sir Gareth, 221;
  and Sir Galahad, 224;
  vow of, 225;
  and Elaine, 227-229;
  Arthur’s anger against, 230;
  visits Guinevere, 233;
  death and burial of, 233;
  Tristan like, 242;
  Iseult at castle of, 244. 
LAN-GO-BAR’DI-AN.  Cycle of romances, 86-99;
  nobles reject Helmigis, 88;
  scepter given to Rother, 88;
  queen, Oda becomes, 93. 
LAN’GO-BARDS.  Same as Langobardians, settle in Pannonia, 86;
  quarrel between Gepidae and, 87. 
LAST SUPPER.  Holy Grail used for the, 183. 
LATIN.  Version of Reynard, 35;
  poem of Walther von Wasgenstein, 124;
  chronicle attributed to Turpin, 129;
  version of Roland, 130;
  version of Tristan, 234;
  epics, 303;
  writers and Alexander, 305. 
LAU’RIN.  Adventures of with Dietrich and knights, 118-120. 
LA-VIN’I-A.  Niece of, mother of Brutus, 307. 
LA’WAINE, SIR.  Brother of Elaine, 227. 
LAZ’A-RUS, ST. Rodrigo’s vision of, 286. 
LEAR, KING.  Shakespeare’s tragedy of, 309. 
LEICESTER (l[)e]s’t[e(]r).  Founded by King Leir, 309. 
LEIR, KING.  Founder of Leicester, 309. 
LE-O’DE-GRAUNCE.  King of Scotland, Arthur and, 217. 
LE-O-GE’CI-A.  Brutus hears oracle at, 308. 
LEON (l[=a]-[=o]n’).  Don Alfonso king of, 288;
  Don Garcia buried in, 290. 
LE-PAN’TO.  Huon and Rezia stop at, 174;
  Sherasmin parts from Huon at, 177. 
LIEB’GART.  Same as Sidrat, 97;
  magic eggs of, 98;
  waits for return of Ortnit, 99;
  suitors of, 99;
  Wolfdietrich’s compassion for, 107;
  Wolfdietrich saves and marries, 108;
  mother of Hugdietrich, 109;
  Dietrich marries, 127. 
LIL-IEN-POR’TE.  Siege of, 103. 
LOCH’HEIM.  Nibelungen hoard buried at, 71. 
LO’CRI-A.  Named by Locrine, 309. 
LO-CRINE’.  Son of Brutus, 309. 
LOD’BROK.  See Ragnar
LODE’STONE ROCK.  Ogier wrecked on the, 138. 
LOD-GER’DA.  Ragnar marries and forsakes, 271. 
LO’HEN-GRIN.  Story of Else and, 201-203. 
LO’KI.  See Haloge
LOM’BARDS.  Same as Langobards, 87;
  Rother complains of king of, 90;
  Ortnit king of, 94;
  Wolfdietrich rules, 108;
  Charlemagne subdues, 129, 137. 
LOM’BAR-DY.  Oda returns to, 94;
  Sidrat goes to, 97;
  Liebgart to select king of, 99;
  Ortnit’s ancestors in, 100;
  Wolfdietrich starts for, 104;
  Wolfdietrich returns to, 109;
  Didier king of, 136. 
LON’DON.  St. Stephen’s Church in, 215;
  Arthur comes to with Sir Hector, 215;
  Guinevere’s journey to, 230;
  founding of, 280, 309. 
LONG’FEL-LOW.  “Tales of a Wayside Inn” of, 136, 202. 
LON-GI’NUS.  Rosamund seeks, 88. 
LORCH.  Kriemhild’s sojourn at, 71. 
LOV’EL, LORD.  Story of, 245. 
LUCES DE GAST. Version of Tristan by, 234. 
LU’CI-FER.  Fall of, 182. 
Project Gutenberg
Legends of the Middle Ages from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.