IRN’FRIED. Attacks the Burgundians, 81.
IS’E-GRIM. Complaint of against Reynard, 36;
and the fish, 37;
a victim of Reynard’s jokes, 42;
accused by Reynard, 44;
imprisonment of, 46;
robbed by Reynard, 48;
disloyalty of, 51;
duel with Reynard, 51;
death of, 52.
I’SEN-LAND. Hagen finds princess of, 23.
I-SEULT’. I. Sister of Morold, cures of, 237;
Tristan healed by, 238.
II. Daughter of Iseult I., Tristan teaches, 238;
hand of promised to dragon slayer, 238;
finds and restores Tristan, 239;
tries to kill Tristan, 240;
journey of to Cornwall, 241;
marries Mark, 242;
love of for Tristan, 242;
oath of, 243;
Tristan cannot forget, 244;
carried to Joyeuse Garde, 244;
death and burial of, 245.
III. With the White Hands, 243;
marries Tristan, 244;
jealousy of, 245.
I-SOLDE’. See Iseult.
ISS’LAND. Brunhild princess of, 58;
Gunther’s arrival in, 59;
Nibelungs accompany Siegfried to, 61.
I’SUNG. Follows Dietlieb, 118;
bear of, 121;
delivers Wittich, 122.
I-TAL’IAN. Version of Roland, 130;
cycle of romances, 302;
love of the marvelous, 302, 307.
IT’A-LY. Alboin conquers, 87;
Ortnit master of, 94;
Amaling land same as, 121;
viking raids in, 276;
settlements in, 281;
Brutus expelled from, 307.
I-TO’NIE. Sister of Gawain, 198.
I’VAR. Son of Ragnar, 274;
a cripple, 275;
kills Eystein’s magic cow, 276;
surrenders to Ella, 279;
takes up abode in Lunduna Burg, 280;
power of, 280.
I-WA-NET’. Arthur’s squire, helps Parzival, 191.
I’WO. Prince of Tarasconia, 156;
Renaud marries daughter of, 156;
treachery of, 158;
Renaud saves, 159.
JACK THE GIANT KILLER. Origin of tale of, 308.
JAM’HAS. Son of Ortgis, 114.
JAMES, ST. Explains vision to Charlemagne, 140;
promises help to Christian army, 287.
JARL HER’RAND. Father of Thora, 271.
JER’AS-PUNT. Virginal’s castle of,
JER’I-CHO. Walls of Pamplona like those
of, 140.
JE-RU’SA-LEM. Ogier besieges, 138;
Godfrey of Bouillon king of, 139;
Hugues king of, 139;
Charlemagne’s pilgrimage to, 139;
Galyen returns to, 140;
Renaud offered crown of, 161;
Vespasian’s commission to, 183.
JEW. The sacrilegious, 300.
JEWS. Persecute Joseph of Arimathea, 183;
lend money to Cid, 293, 294.
JOHN. Son of Fierefiss, and founder of Knights
Templars, 200;
Prester, 201.
JO’KUL. Njorfe’s eldest son, takes
Sogn, 249;
magic arts of, 250.
Holy Grail, 183;
institutes the Round Table, 184;
carries Holy Grail to Glastonbury, 185;
Merlin’s Round Table like that of,