DIE’TRICH VON BERN. Warns Burgundians,
defies Kriemhild, 78;
abstains from tournament, 79;
Kriemhild tries to bribe, 80;
a safe-conduct for, 81;
saves Etzel and Kriemhild, 81;
hears of Ruediger’s death, 83;
fights and captures Gunther and Hagen, 84;
lament of, 85;
ancestors of, 109;
story of, 110-128;
birth of, 110;
fiery breath of, 110, 119;
Hildebrand friend and teacher of, 110;
adventure of with Hilde and Grim, 111;
wins sword Nagelring, 111;
fights with Sigenot, 112;
sees and rescues Virginal, 114;
marries Virginal, 114;
gains possession of Heime and Falke, 115;
Wittich’s adventure with, 116;
adventures of with Ecke and Fasolt, 116;
delivers Sintram, 117;
visits Rome, 117;
and Laurin, 118-120;
visits Etzel, 121;
becomes king of Amaling land, 121;
victories in Wilkina land, 121;
wars against Rimstein, 122;
Eckhardt joins, 123;
Ermenrich wars against, 123;
wooes Hilde, 123;
exile of in Hungary, 124;
victories and wounds of, 125;
returns to Bern, 125;
fights against Ermenrich, 126;
marriage of, 126;
kills Sibich, 127;
made emperor of West, 127;
old age of, 128;
Wild Hunt led by, 128;
Ragnar saga like saga of, 269.
DOL’FOS, VEL’LI-DO or BEL’LI-DO. Murders Don Sancho, 291.
DOR-DOGNE’. Aymon of, 152;
Lord Hug of, 152.
DORT’MUND. Renaud’s body at, 162.
DOU’RO. River in Spain, 296.
DO’VER. Arthur encounters Mordred near, 230.
DRA’CHEN-FELS. Dietrich saves lady of, 116;
Wittich marries lady of, 122;
Roland wooes maid of, 150;
Roland’s return to, 151.
DRAGON SLAYER. Surname of Siegfried, 275.
DRAGONS. See Beowulf, Siegfried, Ortnit, Wolfdietrich, Tristan, Ragnar.
DRAY’TON. Author of “Polyolbion,” 310.
DRU’SI-AN. Kidnaps Sigeminne, 105;
Wolfdietrich captive of, 105;
death of, 106.
DUB’LIN. Morold’s corpse carried to, 237;
Tristan’s visit to, 238.
DU’O-LIN DE MAY’ENCE. A chanson de geste, 152.
DU-RAN-DA’NA. Sword of Roland, 139;
powerless upon Ferracute, 142;
Roland disposes of, 146.
defies Kriemhild, 78;
abstains from tournament, 79;
Kriemhild tries to bribe, 80;
a safe-conduct for, 81;
saves Etzel and Kriemhild, 81;
hears of Ruediger’s death, 83;
fights and captures Gunther and Hagen, 84;
lament of, 85;
ancestors of, 109;
story of, 110-128;
birth of, 110;
fiery breath of, 110, 119;
Hildebrand friend and teacher of, 110;
adventure of with Hilde and Grim, 111;
wins sword Nagelring, 111;
fights with Sigenot, 112;
sees and rescues Virginal, 114;
marries Virginal, 114;
gains possession of Heime and Falke, 115;
Wittich’s adventure with, 116;
adventures of with Ecke and Fasolt, 116;
delivers Sintram, 117;
visits Rome, 117;
and Laurin, 118-120;
visits Etzel, 121;
becomes king of Amaling land, 121;
victories in Wilkina land, 121;
wars against Rimstein, 122;
Eckhardt joins, 123;
Ermenrich wars against, 123;
wooes Hilde, 123;
exile of in Hungary, 124;
victories and wounds of, 125;
returns to Bern, 125;
fights against Ermenrich, 126;
marriage of, 126;
kills Sibich, 127;
made emperor of West, 127;
old age of, 128;
Wild Hunt led by, 128;
Ragnar saga like saga of, 269.
DOL’FOS, VEL’LI-DO or BEL’LI-DO. Murders Don Sancho, 291.
DOR-DOGNE’. Aymon of, 152;
Lord Hug of, 152.
DORT’MUND. Renaud’s body at, 162.
DOU’RO. River in Spain, 296.
DO’VER. Arthur encounters Mordred near, 230.
DRA’CHEN-FELS. Dietrich saves lady of, 116;
Wittich marries lady of, 122;
Roland wooes maid of, 150;
Roland’s return to, 151.
DRAGON SLAYER. Surname of Siegfried, 275.
DRAGONS. See Beowulf, Siegfried, Ortnit, Wolfdietrich, Tristan, Ragnar.
DRAY’TON. Author of “Polyolbion,” 310.
DRU’SI-AN. Kidnaps Sigeminne, 105;
Wolfdietrich captive of, 105;
death of, 106.
DUB’LIN. Morold’s corpse carried to, 237;
Tristan’s visit to, 238.
DU’O-LIN DE MAY’ENCE. A chanson de geste, 152.
DU-RAN-DA’NA. Sword of Roland, 139;
powerless upon Ferracute, 142;
Roland disposes of, 146.
EAD’GILS. Son of Othere, 19.
EAST. Ogier goes to the, 138;
Holy Grail in the far, 201;
Alexander’s journey to the, 305;
wealth of the, 306.
EAST GOTH’LAND. Thora dwells in, 271.
ECK’E. Giant killed by Falke, 116;
Dietrich takes sword of, 117.
ECK’EN-LIED. Story of Ecke, 116.
ECK’E-SAX. Sword of Ecke, 117.
ECK’E-WART I. Escorts Kriemhild, 64;
remains with Kriemhild, 70;
accompanies Kriemhild to Hungary, 72;
warns Burgundians, 76.
ECK’E-WART II. See Eckhardt.
ECK’HARDT. Fidelity of, 109, 123;
flees to Dietrich, 123.
EC’TOR DE MA’RIS, SIR. Lancelot eulogized
by, 233.
ED’DA. Hilde in the, 22;