Parzival reminded of, 195;
at Montsalvatch, 200;
children of, 201.
CON’STANS. King of England, 205;
sons of, 205, 208.
CON’STAN-TINE. I. Father of Oda, 89;
and Rother, 90-93;
II. Son of Constans, 205.
CON-STAN-TI-NO’PLE. Embassy arrives at, 89;
Rother’s visit to, 89-93, 100;
Anzius emperor of, 100;
Hildburg goes to, 102;
Wolfdietrich king of, 103, 108;
the Normans in, 281.
CO-RI-NE’A. Same as Cornwall, 309.
CO-RI-NE’US. Companion of Brutus, 308;
the original Jack the Giant Killer, 308;
kills Goemagot. 309;
CORN’WALL. Tintagel in, 209;
Gorlois duke of, 209;
Mark king of, 235, 240;
Tristan in, 236, 237, 238;
Iseult embarks for, 241;
Iseult lands in, 242;
Tristan’s passion for Iseult of, 243, 244;
Kurvenal’s journey to, 244;
arrival in Brittany of Iseult of, 245;
Tristan and Iseult buried in, 243, 244;
Corineus settles in, 309.
COR’TES. Infantes of Carrion at the, 297, 298.
CRU-SADES’. Influence of on literature, 302.
CYM-BE-LI’NUS. Christ born during reign of, 309.
DAG’O-BERT. Claims descent from Trojan,
race, 307.
DANE. Hawart the, 81;
Dietlieb the, 117;
Ogier the, 129, 135.
DANES. Beowulf escorted by, 16;
gratitude of, 18;
disapprove of Ragnar’s marriage,
Eystein declares war against, 276.
DAN’ISH. Writers, 246;
dynasty connected with Sigurd, 269;
ships burned by English, 276;
kings make raids, 280;
settlements, 280.
DANK’RAT. King of Burgundy, 53.
DANK’WART. Under Siegfried’s orders,
accompanies Gunther to Issland, 59;
suspicion of, 59, 61;
goes to Hungary, 75;
helps Hagen, 76;
warns Hagen, 80.
DAN’UBE. Journey of Kriemhild down the,
Burgundians reach the, 75.
DEN’MARK. Hrothgar king of, 9;
Beowulf sails for, 12;
Wealtheow queen of, 15;
Ludegast king of, 56;
Charlemagne defeats king of, 135;
Ogier king of, 136;
Krake queen of, 274.
DES’ERT BAB-Y-LO’NI-A. Kingdom of
Imelot, 91;
Constantine takes possession of, 92.
DES-I-DE’RI-US. See Didier.
DI-A’NA. Brutus in temple of, 308.
DID’I-ER. Ogier flees to, 136.
DIEGO LAYNEZ (dee-ay’go ly’nez).
Insulted by Don Gomez, 282;
avenged by Rodrigo, 283;
takes Rodrigo to court, 283.
DI-E’GO OR-DO’NEZ, DON. Sends challenge
to Don Arias Gonzalo, 291.
DIE-TE-LIN’DE. Daughter of Ruediger, 73;
Giselher betrothed to, 77.
DIE’THER. Brought up by Hildebrand, 112;
Helche cares for, 124;
death of, 126.
DIET’LIEB. Merry-making and athletic feats
of, 117;
lord of Steiermark, 118;
and Laurin, 119, 120;
victory and reward of, 120.
DIET’MAR. Grandson of Wolfdietrich, 109;
ruler of Bern, 110;
death of, 121.